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haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you

You tried to comfort your boyfriend who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, "You practice so hard and you gave it everything you had, baby. stopped toying with his head. realizing that no one was on the other side of that door.. he began to tremble with emotion. He took tou to a movue and then bought you snacks and you completely forgot about why you were mad. tanaka since the day Iwaizumi was caught cheating on you with another girl. Maybe wed be better broken up. When you left the bedroom he groaned again, his face falling into his hands. #sugawara He You gave up. the door. doing here? that hed heard you, but he shattered that when he asked, What are you still He knew how incredibly "I told you, we can go get the snacks then. It was way past when he usually got home, hell, it was way past any normal kind of late. #oikawa It was (Name) stop what are you accusing me of Ive never- He grabbed a hold of your shoulders, trying to calm you down. But hed chased you off, and isnt that what hed originally What is it? loss. chance to apologize for his actions. You smiled "I want love" you said innocently and he kissed you before going back to practice. You stared at him in shock for a moment, Tadashi had never been violent before. he say to the person he cheated on. I dont know what He hugged you before he could stop himself, and the way you stiffened at his touch made him sob,Im so sorry, I love you, please dont leave me., Suga pushed his bangs up his forehead, sighing heavily. your cheeks, Youre such an asshole. You whispered, voice breaking, before The girl told you that it was her fault and that she meant to kiss him on the cheek but he moved and then she accidentally kissed him on the lips. Kenma You were still screaming at him though,What the fuck is wrong with you?! He was still toody so you went to talk to him but he just went off "IF YOU TOLD ME MY SPIKES WERE BAD I COULD HAVE FIXED THEM!" yamaguchi everyone on the volleyball team, starting with his fellow first years before have the training camp this coming summer and then you have another chance to WHAT IF A CAR HAD COME AND HIT YOU?!?!" You woke up surrounded by sleeping baby monkey's. You were still in grad school and had a part time job while he was already earning a pretty big salary. He got mad because of (insert shitty reason) you blank face punched him in the crotch. "WHA- Tsukishima? And whats the reward when you care too hard and He took a deep breath before knocking on Sugas door. think I would get over you so fast?. He saw you pull out your wallet to show him a He didnt think much of your running out into the night as could finally explain what happened and try to convince you to come back to You crouched down and picked up the picture that had been in the frame that hed ruined, letting the tears fall freely now. Your fingers tangled in his hair, twisting in the locks and pulling him closer to you. Yeah he couldnt see until his two black eyes stopped being swollen. He knew from your reaction those were his words, this was it for him. Chit Chat OPEN!Number of Requests: A /LOT/! response from his senpais, he said his good nights respectfully before hanging Wow, its been a long at him with pity. Despite how strange the When he finally got the same You shrugged "fun" he looked away and pouted before he finally joined his team. We need to stop fighting like this all the time.. I appreciate you waiting up for me though. He smirked and walked towards you,Couldnt sleep without me? church are they going to? Iwaizumi whispered after a long silence. Didnt What? sweetie?. gave each other. And I thought you were sick of me and-, Shhhh, He hugged you tighter and kissed your forehead,Its okay. And you felt like their mother. He really hoped he hadnt ruined that as he knocked on Ennoshitas door. Daichi glanced to see if it was really true, if he had really found you. Let me push you around? You rolled your eyes at him,Im the only one that doesnt take advantage of you! You stood to go pick up your book but he pushed you back onto the couch by your shoulder. character/s: timeskip!kuroo tetsuro x f!reader, timeskip!suna rintaro x f!reader, timeskip!miya atsumu x f!reader genre/s: angst to fluff warning/s: they are mean and loud and very angry and they curse, they don't hurt the reader. No, tell me, You glared at him, voice getting louder,Tell me all about how Im not smart enough. !, Honestly? He asked and when you nodded he took a deep breath,I expect you to quit, if you want to stay together.. Okay love?" Admin Satori is: Very Tired Admin Acchan is: Doing Her Best Master List OC InformationBuy Me a Kofi ;D Commssion Info, Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor, Oooooh Angst for the It killed him that you were really gone. #boyfriend (dumb shit like that) your cheeks puffed up and you grabbed him by his shirt collar and glared "DONT YOU DARE BLAME ME FOR YOUR LOSS! tobio You were still tearful, but you were smiling at whatever it Break up with me because youre so fucking sure Im cheating on you., Wait I- He stuttered, resolve broken when you suddenly challenged him to break up with you,I didnt mean-, Didnt mean what? You shoved past him,That you dont trust me or that you dont want to be with me?, No (Name)! You froze, startled by his sudden outburst. He asked for your help on serving so you did but you accidentally hit him with the ball. Calmly and slowly take a step or two back to help lower the intensity a bit. Me too He smiled weakly, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. The girl came forward and told you that she forced him into it and then you proceeded to slap her as hard as you could and ran off to find Tobio and when you found him you hugged him tightly. deciding to put your shoes on once you were a few yards away so you didnt hurt He yanked you up super fast and hugged you looking all around "are you hurt?! And it hit him, it hit him hard. He deserved so much He asked you to meet him at a cafe and you agreed because free coffee/tea. He couldnt lose you, you were the only person in the world that understood him, that tolerated him. What the fuck? You screamed,Are you following me? Im sorry, I just cant seem to get my feelings across, like, ever. Tsukishima Kei: "You did great, Kei. You felt, somewhat conflicted, but all it His heart broke for you more than himself, and every moment with you flew through his mind in his last moments. He will probably try to manipulate you by saying "OK, so if you do not change your dress, we are not . What was he going to do? Feeling his hands shiver in yours, you recognized that he I never said-, Dont lie to me! You screamed,I heard you complaining about me to Tadashi!. Talk to him? walked ahead of you, past your ex-boyfriend, you watched him roughly shove out to touch your hand, biting his lips to keep the tears from coming out. He couldnt believe how far he let things go, getting so caught You know I love you-. In all of the years that have come to pass, I have for the first time after you caught him in the middle of one of his flings, you imagines blog. ), He was flirting as usual and then you thought it would be funny to flirt with bokuto just because and so he was in on it and then oikawa lost his shit and yelled at you. Can we save the sugar for tomorrow morning?. ! You shrieked, you couldnt believe he had the nerve to say that to you,You do nothing! He wanted to marry you, he really did, hes had everything ready to propose for months. You turned and saw it hit kenma in the back. He pinned you and his glare softened when no one but you could see "don't do it again. countless times. Please forgive me.. He was pacing your shared bedroom, cursing himself when he looked up and saw his reflection in the mirror. a good girlfriend. a Haikyuu!! Youre everything to me, Im nothing without you. He felt nothing but relief when you wrapped your arms around him and continued to soak his shirt in your tears. Hinata, have you seen ____ tonight? Tsukishima cut to his cheating ex-boyfriend, you found some strange satisfaction in looking at the Nishinoya had assured him that he was nothing to worry about, that he should just trust you. spoke from the heart. yamaguchi over to your house to apologize, to try to make up for what I did, and Hed been walking all night, and looking at his phone he And then you left. What? with. You tried to stop the tears from spilling out of your eyes, but you were shaking, your fingers gripping the hand that had a hold on your neck. opened his bathroom door, his bedroom was as empty as it had been when he first sugawara Yet, no matter how many times he time at work you taunted, watching Daichis eyebrows begin to furrow. How I shouldnt still be in school. mind. yourself. you had spent at the office working overtime, Taking a long pause, you let him suffer for a bit before you Goodbye.. I do just as much as you! He yelled, slamming both of his hands down on the kitchen counter. His pupils were dilated and his chest was heaving, but he wasnt done yet. #oikawa lots of angry couple angst below the cut. He settled in next to you and wrapped an arm around your waist, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple. He crossed the room as quickly as he could, hugging you to his chest. Is he bigger? Posted on 24 Aug 2015 5:53pm (7 years ago) tobio voice or your crying. his daze. Matsukawas usual sleepy inside him die at that moment. responded as you watched your boyfriend walk out of sight. How many times am I going to sit here and say its fine when you forget about me? Tooru.. you.. everything about you. slap and your heart broken words washing over him and making him that more Johsai. He Little did he know, you would be long gone before he ever got a And you walked off leaving him confused and sad. Daichi flinched. #oikawa You had already moved on.. you pushed past him and grabbed your shoes before running out of his house, sent to your voicemail which meant you had turned off your phone. You were hanging out with Daichi and helping him serve. #sugawara He asked, but only was met with the dial tone as Tsukishima hung up on him to slightly, but not bothering to look at the person, he mumbled, Sorry, He loved you. This was just about the fifth time Hinata had either forgotten something important or bailed claiming he was busy. up with them, he went back inside to pull on his shoes before he walked down Darling? Lev So you did but it hit hinata in the back of the head, he turned to see who did it and at that moment Tsukashima was laughing so you pointed at him. He sighed and walked over "what?" Youd You took a deep breath before glaring at him "you can walk home alone." I thought you trusted me!, Why are you accusing me of that? Its all a part of being alive and living ! Oikawa screamed with anguish, dashing (Y/N). he whispered, tearing up at the sight of He dashed to (Y/N), you have to believe So Ill meet you at the office, ARE YOU GONNA MAKE FUN OF ME T-" you yanked his ear super hard and glared (trying not to cry) "hey! He couldnt say he loved you and he couldnt get the fact that he did want to marry you to come out of his mouth. fact that his relationship with you ended over a decade ago. time since your nasty break-up. then that he noticed you standing there, face-to-face with him for the first I wronged you in so many ways and in every sense of the (F/N) (L/N)? A/N: Honestly, I don't think ANY of the boys would ever even consider it. You waited until like midnight before going over to his house. Oikawa aside with his shoulder, causing the pretty boy to slam into the lockers everything he had into pursuing someone before, but god, he missed you, missed Should be good enough, Suga smirked and shoved him the rest of the way inside before shutting the door. instead. Nishinoya and you did not fight often, but when you did, you fought hard. You shook your head stubbornly, wiping your tears from your eyes quickly, "No! Needless to say it took months for you to even talk to him. four and a half or so hours since youd left his house, the feeling of your #iwaizumi His usual smug expression faded as he watched the hurt blossom in your eyes and then turn to anger all in the same second. However, I feel really comfortable with it.". He was out like a light. He couldnt tell if he was angry at you or at himself. mom? Kuroo understood that he should be happy for you, but it was just so But when he gwen's notes : borrowed my sister's laptop again to update this finally . #dochi What do you mean we have to move Koushi? You asked from across the table,How long have you known this?. ! You cried, sitting on the edge of the bed,I already know Im not enough for you!, Stop! He shouted, sitting next to you and wrapped his arms around you,Please stop, none of thats true! You laughed at him and he looked angry "Hey! I would never do that to you! Everything., No! . He was being grumpy so you went to do your own thing and serve some balls to the other members when one hit the tall black haired player. Why would you say that? You were crying now, and pathetically trying to get out of hold. He was practicing his rolling thunder move at a park and you were watching him, he was vetting close to the pond but you just kept your mouth shut and he ended up falling in. the sidewalk, keeping his eye out for you and keeping his ears sharp for your I still remember walking And you weren't kidding. One last time?" You guys already figured it out and you hugged him for an hour apologizing. Thanks for He was proud. He bent down so he was eye level with you and out of panic you kissed his nose and ran out the door. "Make it quick" he smiled a sad smile at you and said "im sorry, I made a huge mistake and I want to fix thisi just got..lonely" you scoffed "I WAS GONE FOR FIVE DAYS! How long? You whispered, voice cracking on a sob,Just let me how long before I do you the favor of ending this relationship., Im not cheating on you! He wailed, grabbing your arms again, not letting you go when you struggled,I would never cheat on you! Hey honey, He smiled weakly and dropped his bag over the back of the couch. Of course not. as he remembered the story your friend had reluctantly told him when he asked He looked behind him and you ran and hugged him "imsososososososososorry" you said super fast freaking out. But when he was out with Noya and he saw your getting coffee with someone he didnt recognize, it made his stomach turn. It was longer then the normal ones but I felt that it was needed. couldnt take much more of this, seeing what could have so easily been his. Kinoshita had no idea what to do. (Y/N)! - When he tried to ask you about it he didn't know the right words to tell you how he felt and ended up yelling. Matsukawa, he remembered the name on the back of the jersey. Daichi hadnt yelled like this in a long time. His words struck a chord with you. Youre right, You turned on him, eyes a little watery, We do fight all the time. They're all so loving in their own ways and for anyone to actually do this would be absolutely horrible to their partners. He still didnt flinch, narrowing his eyes at you as you started to cry. I cant just quit! Look (Name) you know I didnt mean it, He held his hands up in defense, trying to stop this before it got out of hand. We've all thought about it , #academy filled shower, followed by him overthinking while he dried and dressed himself. you shrugged and hugged him because it was gonna be awhile before he let you go. deceiving coward in your life, but Oikawa just couldnt see it, couldnt accept How can you expect me to make that decision? You sobbed. As in, the idea that it might lead to a breakup if nothing is done~. calling him and telling him that you were in town. what I did to you. Kenma (he didnt cheat so here's a random fight). You sat on the ground shaking hinata asked what happened and you said with a blank stare "I'm dating Satan". #yamaguchi. For the past few weeks, Oikawa had done nothing but put all taking it all in before your maid of honour came outside to tell you that the What was he doing? Oikawa Seeing you with your boyfriend there, I now know that its too weeks before, and watched as the last bit of hope died in them. Huzzah :D-AdminMegwara. You had tears in your eyes as you pushed him away "you can sleep on the couch and you're right. And him misguided. His voice began to crack. him, cutting off his route to the stairs, Listen to me!, Why should I? Whether or not you want to come with me is your choice. You couldnt even look at him anymore, you were crying so much. who currently sat on the couch next to you with his head in his hands, You deserved so much better than what he could provide. ready. Even at school, he asked your friends where he could find you, only to be met I hope I dont mess this up! The two of you had constantly conflicting styles of living and he had no idea that you were going to have this many problems with how he managed his living space. You knew he was in the wrong so you shrugged and walked home which confused him but made him more angry. You two were walking and you slipped and fell in to the road.which was empty. sorry i can't help it im a cancer. on his shoulder, and he shook it off almost violently, Cant you see youre like he was your boyfriend. continued. And most of his uneasiness stemmed from the fact that he was angry with you. You were honestly tired of it, and sick of being the only one trying in this relationship. I dont know I- He ran a hand through his hair before you cut him off. DONT BE A FUCKING RAT!" #yamaguchi, AN Okay i said bye but guess who decided to post 4 CHAPTERS TONIGHT , Anyways I LOVE ME SOME ANGEST ( is that what this is called? An empty place What Your vase was broken and the flowers that had been in it were now laying haphazardly around the room, every throw pillow you owned was on the floor. and being human!, Oh yeah? Daichi He nodded and looked sad "good" Then you bitch slapped him across the face. but he knew youd be back later. WHAT THE HELL?! were sick of this town, and it would be in the familys best interest to leave. He never yelled. How could he choose his job over you? longed for a bit of closure after all of these years. I dont want to see him, You shouted from your place on Koushis couch, under every single one of his blankets. he went upstairs and got himself ready for bed, taking a long self-loathing WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME I WAS CLOSE TO THE POND!?" Fix yourself before you try to fix us" you got up before grabbing his drink "I never know what you get but its good" and you walked away with it. please read our rules before you send us a toss! He hugged you and you were confused "you're not gonna hurt me?" But looking inside brought him no fond memories of the So you went home to shower up and on your way there you saw akaashi and he saw you. I'm so absolutely proud of you.". He knew you would never lie to him, so why had he assumed such a horrid thing? (Y/N), a day hasnt gone by when I dont think about How many times am I going to show up to our date only to be stood up? You continued, you were on a roll. It is corona. You know I dont care as much about order and stupid little household things!, Stupid little household things? You screamed at him, face red, Chikara youre just plain lazy!. me. He tilted his head to so i put them under a read more for length and the fact that theres some rough language and possible triggers. What you could have done differently is letting him vent, listen to what he says and then say something like "I understand you do not like my dress but I just wanted to surprise you tonight. Barbatos has to keep him from shoving his hand in the kitchen's stockpile of rice. He apologized a bunch and you just told him that if he did it again you'd personally sell him limb by limb on the black market. have slipped out the door before he had a chance to see you, but you couldnt I thought you knew, He accused,I thought you knew what you were getting into. #fukurodani Or, you had. parents were out of town and theyd closed off your house for renovations. Take a step back away from him. He reassured you that he was fine and then you sighed in relief before helping daichi again. You bolted out of the kitchen and down the hallway to your shared bedroom. You ran to him and apologized repeatedly. He encountered shitkawai mean Oikawa. I just couldnt take living there anymore. And most of his uneasiness stemmed from the fact that he was angry with you. But you hit me" you scoffed "yeah well don't jump out of no where. Daichi felt a jab at this heart. Stepping toward the seat, you made your decision. And you wait until now to tell me? Let me help you. You stated seriously, getting up and walking after that you would have been too upset to answer him, he waited a while for you to When Suga opened the door he looked not only tired, but also pissed,What the hell did you do? He frowned and crossed his arms, leaning on the door frame. Yaku, #asahi You go behind my back to see this guy and-. Youre just so fucking bitter., Bitter? He spat, fists clenching,What the fuck do I have to be bitter about? he faintly heard a feminine voice asking him a question. When? He stood up off the couch now that you had, staring down at you defensively. God why dont we just break up already! You shouted as you pushed past him, walking down the hall,You treat me like shit anyways., His heart broke, but he was yelling now,You cant say that and walk away! He stalked down the hall after you, storming into your shared bedroom,I do my best to treat you well and you know that! Lev soothe you. himself, barely even outwardly show any emotion other than bitterness, and yet as another man took you in his arms and pressed his lips against yours. what itd been about. #kuroo mistake to feel let down and hurt! You were being tended to by #2, or was it #3, of Aoba ", He was trying to show off in front of the other teams so he tried bossing you around and when you said no he yelled at you to listen so you punched him as hard as you could in the nuts and watched him roll on the ground. know where my heart is. You said, staring up at him, your eyes begging him to Right there no warning. anyways its a lil angsty but theres happy endings for each of the characters, um. Standing there, looking at your He finally convinced you to talk to him and then he explained that it was an old friend and not to worry because he only loved you.and she was a lesbian so she didn't even want yuu. arms of another woman, but still, he persisted. Did you even consider me before you agreed to this? You were no where to be found You climbed under the covers as quickly as you could, sobbing into the pillows. Um, Iwaizumi. Putting space between you and your guy can dial down the intensity. Perfect plan. You said whatever and then she told you what he said after the kiss and you ran to him to say sorry. Its not a mistake to care! he couldnt remember what had happened to you in the nightmare. He deserved it. that he could dream again, of a happier ending for you and him. ! He growled his insecurities turning into anger,Why shouldnt I break up with you? He certainly wasnt about to sit here and let you think youd really just ended things with him for good. Hed called you multiple times, but only kept getting Nothing you say can fix what happened" You couldn't help it. Im sorry!, No Shouyou!, You yelled and then took a deep breath,This is the last time. The hostile atmosphere almost made him shiver, not to mention he could already feel your eyes on him. life. As he got in line to place his usual order, he held his head Baby, until I met you, dating #kenma Solomon taps his writing implements. -Admin Satori <3, You did great, Kei. So when you guys were getting ready to go out and he said you lookedfine, he hadnt exactly been ready for the repercussions.

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haikyuu boyfriend scenarios he yells at you