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prayer for someone to win election

Help us O Lord! Thank You Jesus for this day and everything that comes forth in this day! The righteous judge in Heaven will avenge the widow speedily. Let the mind of Christ be poured out to all who go to vote. Lord, right now it feels like there is so much at stake, and there is a lot of anxiety about the upcoming election. So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. of May you bring to the light for your Namesake, as you have appointed this nation to be a beacon of light to the nations of the world. We cannot emphasize this enough Lord God that You would intervene in our affair mightily. A Prayer for the Election | Desiring God GREATER IS HE WHO HAS MADE YOU HIS HOUSEYOU ARE HIS PLACE TO DWELL INAND GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU THAN heany heall he combinedthe devil he and the natural carnal he combinedGREATER IS GOD WHO DWELLS INSIDE OF YOU THAN he that is in the world. Ask God to open your eyes. Ask God to protect Americas Election 2020 and deliver trustworthy results. HE IS THE MOST HIGHTHE MOST HIGHTHE MOST HIGH GOD!! Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. May the suffering inflicted by the lock downs be brought to an end. May God have mercy on us and save us, as only He can. Abba Father, God Lord, we lift America unto Your hands this moments when they are conducting their elections, Dear Lord God step in with Your anointing of peace knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and provisions. -Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything; kindly grant your strength to the candidates of the respective parties such that they can work dedicatedly to make their election campaign successful. We thank YOU FATHER for reminding us all day and night THAT THE BATTLE IS NOT OURS BUT YOURS! He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. -Oh, Loving God, kindly shower your blessings on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host an election campaign successfully where they can prove themselves to be better than the other candidates by showing their initiative to work for the improvement of society. Lord, we desire that these godly seeds shall develop into a harvest that shall be reaped for Your purposes. I only pray believing You hear and Answer, Yes and Amen and so in Jesus Name I say, So Be It. We declare smooth transitionno killings in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS..AMEN! All agree that expanding voting by mail will be a challenge in many states, but it will not automatically result in rampant voter fraud. It is a joy to pray this prayer with thousands of my brothers and sisters. Thank you so much for praying for us from South Africa! prayer -Oh, Everlasting God, I pray to you kindly shower your blessing on the candidates of the respective parties and help them to host their election campaign successfully such that they can try their level best to earn the votes of the common people by leaving a strong impact on the mass. We thank You for the many centuries of special grace and mercy that You have granted to this nation. Please stand us on our feet and fight with all the weapons you have given us. election Lord, we do believe that You have a special destiny for the United States, and we pray that nothing that Satan will do will be able to hinder that destiny. God cares for the marginalized members of society and calls His people to assist them. Help IFA provide prayer resources to more intercessors. Amen! May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. You can learn more about CPJ's work on their website or on their blog. 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign This is a spiritual battle and God proves Himself in control and the victor over the occult. Amen, Brian! We ask your heavenly court to stop and prosecute those trying to steal our election in America, in Jesus name. Show us how to listen with open and humble hearts, especially to people different from us. The Apostle Peter sums up living under the authority of human governments as a follower of Christ: Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul. Pray that the election outcome would result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and revival. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and kind. Forgive our sins and SILENCE! Are the eyes that read the names of the candidates, And that we do not cease to be Christ-followers. May Your glory be displayed through the whole process of this election. Thank you, Father, for giving us the keys of David that open doors that no mane can shut & close doors that no man can open. Give us the peace that passes understanding about the vote, and the outcome. WebLord God, as the election approaches, we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country, and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community. Help them feel your presence and comfort during hard times, and help them endure the difficulties that come with being a public figure. wiser individual to serve. Father in heaven, as we approach this election on Tuesday, I pray. Keep us faithful to Christs all important Word, and may we turn to it every day for light in these dark times. I thank You that, when Id begin to fear and get anxious about the election results, Your sweet Holy Spirit reminds me of Your Word: Be still and KNOW THAT I AM GOD! What peace comes upon my soul! So, just BE-LOVED Your dedication makes my heart smile Thank you again. Help us, Your body, to stand together, united and believing YOU and doing your works! WebThe Election Our Hope Your Kingdom Purpose in America Matthew 6:9-10 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Psalm 33:10-11 The LORD foils the plans Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. That You will keep Your hand upon it and that You will also guide and overrule, to the benefit of Israel. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to bring it back to the flow for the course it is meant to go. Pray that the schemes of the enemy would be exposed, dismantled, and destroyed. Thank YOU that the enemy we see today we will never again see as Moses said in May everything that the devil intends for evil at this time be turned around for good, to bring honour and glory to our Heavenly Fathers Name. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. Be exalted all over the earth! What Does It Mean That There Is No One Holy Like God? Marvelous time with God just now because of your writing and sharing steps, verses and faith in His Mighty Hand of power, authority and love for us! We pray for peace. Is there rid of Bible verses listed above and prayed with all my heart soul and mind I could feel ABBA in heaven was right next to me and he heard all my prayer and he laid on my heart that he is with us and he will never abandon us. You are with us now and You will be with us tomorrow and forever. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray!! Allow love to grow, rather than resentment. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. We have them for a reason. In their design, it is possible for a candidate to win the popular vote yet lose the election in the Electoral College. Fill all places now vacated with Your Holy Spirit and send the ministering angelic spirits to guide each one to the righteous vote for Your candidates for every office, from President to dogcatcher. Father, our warfare is not of the flesh but of spirt. The VICTORY is yours! I ask for the season to not be volatile, and that our nation would see You in it. God IS in control and he hears the prayers of his people! I agree wholeheartedly with this comprehensive prayer for our nation today in Jesus name! 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign, 25 Types Of People Who Destroy Your Happiness, How to Stay Away from Toxic People: 51+ Proven Ways, 19 Habits Of Unhappy People That You Should Not Cultivate, 101+ Positive Affirmations for an Extrovert, Dreaming Of Colors: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of Microwave: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of A Toilet: 55+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming of a Skunk: 50+ Meanings and Interpretations, Dreaming About The End Of The World: 50+ Meanings. So, Father God, Righteous judge, the fate of America is hanging on balance in this election. Give us a Parliament committed to the priorities of your kingdom, so that peace, compassion, truth and justice may prevail among us, Help our leaders to do the same. We pray that those who have resorted to viciousness in their campaigns would repent, that they would receive forgiveness, and that they would in turn One of your last guests mentioned a book he had written but I did not get the name of the book. In Jesus Name I pray this. Fears of tampering by foreign influences have brought both Republicans and Democrats to the boiling point. Amen. You are with us when we are aware and with us when we are not aware. Thank you! It is important to stay focused and to stay aligned with what God is In a constitutional government like America, the power to govern is given to the people. May You Lord expose the corruption that is harming our country. yes praying and more importantly PRAISING God for our God inhabits praise, and for the release of light (I read somewhere, liked the idea ) some fasting. If you have benefited from IFA's resources and community, please consider joining us as a monthly support partner. No, but likewise, when many people sharing the same vision for the future participate and pray, God moves and blessings happens. Amen. especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty. When you vote for the candidate that most closely represents values of your Christian faith, you bring Gods blessing to your fellow citizens. Let us give thanks to God, saying, we thank you, Lord'. However, Your Word says that we are citizens of Your Kingdom first and foremost. Amen! I, the Lord, speak the truth; I declare Thank you again for this opportunity to pray together with fellow believers in this important day. -Oh Heavenly Father, kindly shower your blessings on all the prospective candidates from different potential parties such that they can host a successful election campaign and can put forward their agendas in front of the common people to win over their confidence. Relieve their anxiety by helping them to focus on You and your will. What a beautiful prayer from Derek Prince thank you for sharing it! Yes, praying continually for President Trump & our nation. I would like to post this on other social sites. Keep us ever prayerful in our going out and coming in. Lord God our Father, maker of heaven and earth, we thank you that you have been pleased to give this person new birth with your Holy Spirit, to adopt him for your own, and to receive him into the fellowship of your Church. Tripura Election Results: The BJP-IPFT alliance won 33 seats in the 60-member Tripura assembly, securing its return to power in the northeastern state for the second time in a row.According to the Election Commission website, the BJP bagged 30 seats while the Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) got one. 7 Divine Prayers To Win Big Money Prayer For your names sake Jesus, pour out Truth on us; What we think, speak, hear, repeat, dwell on, remember. Revive your people Lord. A Prayer for a Christian Candidate Running for Elected Office Thank you for the opportunity to pray along with my brothers and sisters across our nation that the Lord will hear from heaven and heal our land. Can you provide me with the information . The Duck Dynasty alum posted a video on Wednesday of him praying for the reelection of President Trump . Praying for victory with mandate of truth and safety when those walking in darkness continue to behave with the spirit of anti-Christ. And we commit to You now specifically the forthcoming elections and all of the political processes involved. Phil Robertson is holding onto prayer this 2020 presidential election. Lord God Jehovah, protect our President, Vice President, their representatives, our congress women and men, our Supreme Court justices, our governors and mayors, senators and our communities across this nation. Prayer is the ultimate connection between God and His people, and when people have important decisions to make, like who to vote for in a presidential election, lifting the decision up to the Lord is a wise starting place. Bless you Belovedbe filled with His perfect Love and Peace today going forward!! Beautiful prayer. WebPrayer After an Election. Lord we pray that law and order and your will prevail, because greater is He who is in us, than he who is in the world. You know the end from the beginning and we can fully trust You all along the way in the middle till we come to the very end. Let America be an example of Your Kingdom on Earth. May the Lord richly bless all of you. We stand for your values: sanctity of life, traditional marriage/family, religious freedom, law and order and Your Righteousness! God used Moses father-in-law to instruct him when Moses was wearying from taking on the leadership of the millions in the wilderness: What you are doing is not good. Amen. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Honor everyone. Our prayers prayed in agreement are more powerful. Things are already messed up enough in this country as it is, and a Joe Biden Presidency will only make matters worse. O Mighty, Wonderful and Glorious God! May Americans elect Your anointed leader who will stir America in the Holy democratic directions. During Runoff elections are held when no candidate secures the required majority of 50% of votes. He further added that the party would wait for the final results before deciding on the way -Oh Heavenly Father, you have the ultimate control over everything. person to win, because your purposes and plans are very complex. What an opportunity to share the good life God offers! We humbly repent on behalf of the United States of America of all Satans charges leveled against this Nation in the Courts of Heaven so that we can overcome the enemy through the power of the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony. live your love, Im from Portland but in AUS and postal voted. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. Thank You Lord for so many acts of faith going on right now!! Amen . You move in the hearts of people to accomplish your sovereign will. During this time of debate, diffusion, and decision-making, please have Your sovereign hand over this country. She and her husband have lived all over the country serving their Lord and Savior in ministry. to know and understand the agendas of their parties. -Oh, Everlasting God, kindly shower your blessings on the candidates of the respective parties such that they can host their election campaign successfully and can make the crowd believe in their plans and agendas of improving the overall lifestyle of the people after rising into power. On July 6, 2020, the U.S Supreme Court unanimously ruled that states have the power to require electors to faithfully cast their votes according to their partys selected candidate for president. Perfect even for today. -Oh Lord, you are all humble and wise, kindly shower your blessings on the faithful candidates and help the respective party members to host their election campaign successfully at different places such that they can pursue the mass with their policies and ideologies to attract their votes. If your court does not issue a restraining order for the enemy, they will endanger the integrity of our election and put your plan for this nation in danger. May your holy hedge of protection be around each polling place and each poll worker. Lets pray in agreement today, as the nation goes out to vote: 1. (Ps 85:6, 2 Chr 7:14, Ps 22:27) An Election Day Prayer That this nation will not turn against Israel or take its stand among the enemies of Israel. Help me to do my part with enthusiasm, and then to rest in Your hands, for Jesus Christ's sake. -Oh Supreme Lord, you have the supreme power over everything. I began to weep at the sound of victory in the camp millions of Gods people gathered on the banks of the Red Sea singing in praise. Be encouraged beloved. There is much chaos, unrest, happening in our Nation, enough to discourage people to not go to the polls today but Father we pray for a spirit of courage to rise within them and we pray for Your protection over them as they cast their vote. Bless those who administer the electoral process, I ask this in the Name thats more POWERFUL AND ABOVE THAN ANY OTHER NAME, JESUS! Home - 50+ Uplifting Prayers for A Successful Election Campaign. I pray that your kingdom will come in full force no matter the out come.May all see that you alone can rule a nation and you will not allow us to have any other Gods before you. Nun 10:9When you go to war in your land against the enemy who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets; and you will be remembered before the LORD your God, and you will be saved from your enemies. We know that this is cheating and fraudulent ballots. Jesus, thank You for humbling Yourself to walk alongside us as a man. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. (765)452-1779 Throughout the Bible there are assurances that God will always guide us if believers turn to Him in prayer and ask for His help. There is a plot afoot in Pennsylvania to change the R to D pray that all such corruption is thwarted by Almighty God! WebIn preparation for Election Day, Priests for Life calls upon believers to say this prayer each day. Thank you God YOU are leading this battle to VICTORY! and the many blessings of democracy we enjoy. Amen. Please give them the strength to endure criticism and scrutiny. that they may uphold fairness, honesty and truth. Lord the battle belongs to You. Election Integrity The Presidential Prayer Team Let us all praise God for His unending love for our beloved country. At 12 pm ET, IFA and One Voice Prayer Movement offer a special Election Day prayer call, or watch We pray for justice and righteousness in this land. I feel terrible because he is gone. As believers, we can rest in the assurance that God will stand with us no matter who resides in the White House. Right now I direct most of my efforts to smaller local campaigns. WebPRAISE THE LORD , AS SRILANKA GOES FOR POLES TO ELECT THE NEXT SRILANKAN PRESIDENT, SAJITH PREMADASA OF New Democratic Front (NDF) OF Sri Lanka. I pray Love,Safety,& kindness in all hearts. 4) that we would discern what truths and values should advance by being made law and which should advance only by the leavening of honest influence; 5) that your people would see what love and justice and far-seeing wisdom demand in regard to the issues of education, business and industry, health care, marriage and family, abortion, welfare, energy, government and taxes, military, terrorism, international relations, and every challenge that we will face in the years to come; 6) and above all, that we will treasure Jesus Christ, and tell everyone of his sovereignty and supremacy over all nations, and that long after America is a footnote to the future world, he will reign with his people from every tribe and tongue and nation. But what is most important is Your will, not mine. Lord, You said if we ask anything according to Your will, and we believe it is done, it will be done for us! Please keep them physically healthy and strong, and focused on the task before them. Thank you for your sacrifice and your resurrection, thank you for interceding for us and most of all, thank you for your overwhelming, never ending, reckless love! So, today as important as it is to our future does not fully tell our future for we must continue on in this way and grow up fully in Christ to secure and maintain the victory You have given us. HELP US TO HONOR YOUR WORK, Lord Jesus. -Oh Heavenly Father, here I am today to pray for the prospective candidates from the respective party such that they can host a successful election campaign where they can face the mass and can make them believe in their plans and agendas such that in this process, they can win over the majority of the votes. I pray, in Jesus' Name, Amen. Bless each one by touching them powerfully with YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERATION may Your Precious Holy Spirit pour out upon them and through them as they take ground for Your Kingdom. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, a Democrat, lost her re-election bid Tuesday night, and critics are celebrating the end of her term. Thats all I know. Thank you for sharing Derrick Princes very timely words. Thank you for putting me here on this planet for such a time as this. (Heb 5:14, Hos 14:9), 8. May only righteous and just , Godly men and women be victorious. whatsoever you ask the Father in My Name, He will grant you. Father, we have asked You, in the Name of Jesus, for the re-election of President Trump and Vice President Pence, and the election of righteous, God-fearing candidates during this election. Selecting leaders is not a new idea. Make America Godly Again FOR ONE AND ALL and even more Kingdom like than ever in our History. Let them see in this Nation a Nation filled and overflowing with YOU, YOUR SPIRIT, YOUR GOODNESS, YOUR GOOD HEALTH AND YOUR GOOD WEALTH BUT MOST OF ALL WITH YOUR LIGHT LIFE LOVE AND LIBERTY LIBERTY LIBERTY FOR ONE AND FOR ALL Oh, So Be It To the Great Glory of God \o/ Amen. This election season has been hard on everyone. Prayer Ahead of Election Day, a record 244,000 early vote were cast. Jesus said, When you pray, believe you have received and it will be yours. Father, we have prayed, and we believe we have received the desires of our hearts, and now we give You thanks and praise in faith! Only you, God, can calm his heart. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in the Heaven! as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles Amen. Keep our eyes on You. Arguably Americas most powerful female religious figure, White is not alone. In JESUS NAME WE PRAY, Amen. I humbly come into the Holy of Holies, your Heavenly Court to bring my petition of voters fraud directly to YOU; today is the Elections Day D day! Grant us the discernment to detect any falsehoods, or unbiblical policy proposals. We are your people and you are our God. Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. Be subject for the Lords sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. Abba Father, God Lord, if You are for us who ever be against us. Your email address will not be published. All mighty Elohim, open the doors to the White House to YOUR candidate and close them shut on the opposing candidate. They included Kris We desire You and You alone to be our God and our Lord. WebPrayer For Candidates. Election Day Bible Verses Protect all engaged in public life, with their families, friends and colleagues, Keep this revived revived oh Lord and keep the lost from grave harm until they are rescued from the pit. sovereign will, that you would allow me to serve my constituents by being "Elections belong to the people. Abraham Lincoln, Former U.S. President 35. We stand on the promise that no weapon fashioned by the enemy will prosper against us. Thank you for being the source of all wisdom, and for being willing to impart that wisdom to Your people. To you Lord be all the glory, honor and praise! 7 Ways to Pray Through an Election - Harvest Prayer Help us to remember the things we have in common, and not just our differences. Holy Spirit, hover over the Lord kindly guide them and support them such that they can leave a strong impact on the mass. we thank you, Lord. Teach us as a nation to focus less on getting our way and more on loving our neighbors, especially the most vulnerable among us. Raise up men & women of integrity in the govt! Give them the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You and Your Son, Jesus Christ. 700 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Suite 2101Washington, DC 20003, Mission & ValuesUpcoming EventsBook an Event. AMEN! May those who do not know you come to know you and call you Lord and Savior. Release us from the shackle of spiritual Egypt and the spirit of Pharaoh over America after 400 years this coming 11/11/2020. God Care About the Presidential Election The integrity of the upright guides them, but the crookedness of the treacherous destroys them. Election Help those whose candidate does not win take comfort in knowing You are always on the throne. With less than 100 days before voting, Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliff is regularly briefing senators in a classified setting at the Capitol. What Does It Really Mean That Your Body Is a Temple? Thank you for the unity of the Body of Christ. Show us people who do not know You as their Savior so we can share the Gospel. We prayed, we campaigned for the platform that upholds Your Name and Your precepts, and we voted for the platform that honors Your Word. According to Pew Research Center, 70 percent of Americans believe a mail-in ballot should be an option for anyone desiring it. May other Nations look upon America and see LOVE FOR ONE AND FOR ALL. The Truth, the Justice and the Righteousness prevail! We thank You for the godly seeds that have been sown over the centuries by men of faith who have followed in Your footstepslabored, sacrificed, prayed, and given for Your kingdom. Hello, Im Micheal, and I am a writer, spiritualist, and inspirationalist. Amen and Amen, Lord, in the Name of Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ, we bind, gag, cripple, blind and render ineffective all anti-Christ, witchcraft, religious, deceptive spirits of satan and cast them into the Abyss. Thank you for choosing to put me in this country, at this time, and for Your purposes. WebFor this election, O God, please bless us with the best rulers possible, in this fallen world, at all levels of government. I pray I voted and will continue to pray for Gods truth justice and mercy and protection, Lord God, our Father and Creator, Thy will be done. elections O Lord, our God, we pray for this upcoming election. WebAn Election Prayer to Mary. Place upon the hearts of voters Your will. We ask for Your will, Father, for this election and our nation be done. We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom. GOD CAN NEVERWILL NEVERNOT EVER WILL HE BE DETHRONEDHE IS NEVER CAUGHT OFF GUARD!! Thank you for Your sovereign will. All over this nation! Every progress that President Trump has made will be reversed because the enemy hates your justice, righteousness, and holiness. We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned, We come to You as Your believing people; Your representatives in this earth, the agents of Your government in the earth. May You be glorified by Your children in our voting Biblical Principles, ones that will bring in a harvest of people to Your Kingdom, bring Repentance and Revival, reach the unreached people, restore the Lost to Truth that stops the murder of children, restores Truth of gender at birth to the deceived, removes same sex attraction and its lies and deception, exposes rebellion based on false teaching and evil intentions, helps open the hearts and minds of the lazy, intitalled thinking people to work and be responsible.

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prayer for someone to win election