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how to edit moving time on strava

The problem is that these data fields are usually only associated with one of the files you uploaded. This means that the speed in the output file is actually the estimated average of the 10 seconds flanking that timestamp. The reason I cannot override un-embedded distance is because Strava ignores any total distance value I send them, and instead, they look at the distance specified between each and every point. You can then drag those as desired to make further bends in the line. Strava is used by millions of worldwide athletes to track and record their activities. You will be losing some data. Time Shift. Thanks! You can override this simply by changing the drop-down to not discard points (or discard fewer points) but the tool may time-out during the merge process. 4. Strava DOES NOT support KML, so the "Send to Strava" checkbox will be grayed out if you have selected "KML" above. This field is only abailable for FIT exports; it will be grayed out if you selected GPX or TCX in the "Output File Format" field. Connecting calorie counter MyFitnessPal ensures any activity gets offset from your intake, while hooking up to Google Fit or Apple Health ensures your Strava activity counts towards any daily. Open Reflect, then go to Preferences (click on your avatar), then go to your current graph (usually called My Brain), and copy the identifier. If any of the FIT files you upload to the tool have information in the FTP Target field, this box will be pre-populated with the highest FTP value from your files. Reply fiskfisk 2 yr. ago I have tried to make the CSV file upload as flexible as possible. If any of the FIT files you upload to the tool have data in these fields, these boxes will be pre-populated with the highest value from your files. Box #22291235 Notre-Dame St WMontreal, QC H3C 0B1Canada. Smart Trim Fortunately, if I send to Strava as a FIT file, I can embed the MFR ID and the Product ID as discussed above. Here is a detailed discussion on how you can fix this. Privacy Policy. How To Fix Option 1: Try clicking on the "EDIT POINTS" button on this page. If your device didn't calculate the correct number of calories, you can enter a number in this field, and that is the number of calories burned that will show on your Strava feed. See screenshot here. The reason I don't import all of the data is that some people try to upload 20+ activities at a time, and if you import all of that data at once, the tool can crash. Just think it needs a service as I like to keep my things maintained. Aerobic and Anaerobic Training Effect And I didn't even know there was a fix! This works very well for almost all files - but certain devices such as rowing machines or pool swims do not record distance with fine granularity. It looks like you are getting a lot of use out of this tool! I decided that we could calculate the distances from the 2nd FIT file (the FulGaz File). The GPS on your smartphone will record the data from . Below, see an example of what an MTB ride with embedded stats looks like when sent to Strava: These are special Garmin Fields that describe the nature of your mountain bike ride. This helps prevent staccato-like speeds in the final output file. Next, select Manual activity De las opciones dadas. The actual. Strava moving time is a useless crap, it's even worse in slower activities like hiking. To save yourself upload time - and to bypass the size limits, you can ZIP compress your files before uploading. I'm not sure if either of these fields change anything on Garmin Connect - I've tried manipulating the values, and no change seems to happen on Garmin Connect. Change in Operating Segments: If you decide to override the total distance, Select "Calculate Distance" ONLY if your file has trackpoints. (Note: Much like cropping, splitting activity is also irreversible. Why more snow might be a good thing:Is warm the new norm?How a lack of snowfall in Delaware is . To insert new points, find the semi-transparent midpoint on the line you want to modify and drag it to a desired location. It allows you to insert the serial number of your device into the final file. Also, if you have a latitude / longitude that is out in Timbuktu, now you can delete it or drag it into the proper position. The tool looks for partial matches, so "ele" or "elevation" or "alt" or "altitude" will all count for your elevation profile. Here you tell the tool if the number you entered in the Desired Average Speed field is in Miles per hour or Kilometers per hour. Connect your phone to the laptop, then run . I can embed the name in a TCX, GPX, or FIT file. A few dial and bezel variants out there too, very, very cool. 1. And im pretty sure there is absolutely no way I ran that fast. Your Resting Time will be removed from your Moving Time so that your pace is as accurate as possible. IMPORTANTLaps can only be stored inside of TCX and FIT files. Strava app: Tap the Record tab. For example, only GPX can take temperature readings (and only Strava can interpret these - not Garmin Connect). This means that if you leave the distance out, you will get a distance and speed of zero on sites like Garmin Connect. Acceptable values for this field range from -200 to +100. This is a sure-fire way to get your activity type properly encoded. I'm still working on that! It now runs . We are migrating people to a more secure connection to Strava, so if you haven't used GOTOES tools since March 23, 2019, we recommend that you reset your connection and re-authorize GOTOES. I have a much more detailed discussion on the forum here. If both of these conditions are true, you will be able to see the "Make a Fake Track" box. The slider will remember your last-used setting. Add friends to get their workout data on the dashboard, as well. If you check multiple distance streams, you will get very strange results! If you select this option, and your overlapping files both have the exact same time-stamp, BOTH timestamps will be included in the file along with their associated values. If you include a file that doesn't have distance embedded, the tool will reset the distance to zero. As Sr. All the way to the left, it averages 1 point, which technically is no averaging at all! If I try to include all of the data, there will be trackpoints that only have heart rate data - but no position data. That works great - unless you do activities that start in different time zones. Without one of these two distances to key off of, the override feature will not work. GOTOES CSV FormatI've developed a simple CSV format for FIT Files exported from GOTOES|Strava Tools. TCX files: Unlike GPX files which are strictly position based (they were invented for tracking location), the TCX file format was designed more for workouts, allowing for Heart Rate, Cadence, Power WITHOUT position being required. Indoor Workouts / Trainer / Turbo Rides / Pool SwimsThese types of activities do not contain GPS information, so you MUST select the correct time zone - the tool cannot figure it out for you. It will then calculate the difference in time between the time you supplied and the time provided in the track. You can edit an activity at any time to update the sport type.Change Activity Type Navigate to the activity you wish to edit. Exporting as FIT will address the bug in Strava where a few GPS types aren't displayed properly. I'm thinking of writing a "workaround," but that workaround might be ugly. Strava has outdone itself with poor UX - new pop-up has no way to close besides killing the app r/Strava prototyped a lock screen live-action info thingy for all the people who don't want to leave the screen unlocked when doing an activity, just a concept! An activity FIT file contains all sorts of data about what was recorded while you were riding/running/swimming/etc. Activity Type and FITIf you export from the GOTOES tool as FIT using one of the activity type options, the tool will translate your selection to the Garmin "code" for this activity. If you are having trouble with smoothness of speed, maybe try the speed smothing option and/or "Interpolate Points" option in the next option field. Then, the tool will sum up the values for all of the distance streams you have checked and put the result as a placeholder in this box. By getting the word out that this tool exists, more people can repair their tracks and we can have cleaner, less cluttered Strava feeds. 4. The first time, you will need to click the "Connect With Strava" button. how to edit moving time on strava. Threshold PowerSetting your Threshold Power in this box sets your Threshold Power for the SESSION. This will generate a new modal where you can configure a new Fitness Activity. The load of an exercise session is a numeric score indicating the degree of its impact on your body. Those are the streams of data that are recorded on a second-by-second basis. Wind Speed Range. [emailprotected]P.O. Thank you! Normalized Power, Training Stress Score, and Intensity Factor By donating to my tools, you have helped me make these tools better for everyone. Author, speaker, filmmaker. Install and launch iMoveGo onto your PC. If you agree, in the future, you can just check this box (it will remain checked and saved in your cookies as a preference), and the file will go directly from our website to Strava's. This phenomenon is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, or EPOC. Ankit is a tech enthusiast and loves to write. How To Edit Or Change Distance In Strava Manually, 7 Best Craigslist Apps For Android And iPhone, How To Cancel NordVPN Subscription And Get A Refund. Using the default settings, if the time between points is more than 10 minutes AND the distance between points is more than five miles, when you check this box, the accumulated distance will be removed from the TCX file. Based on what I read in support forums, "moving time" eliminates any time spent moving in a way that the Strava algorithm decides is too slow. Pace for the activity. My average pace for moving time was 8:44/mile and my average pace for elapsed time was 11:04/mile. FTP Target Range If you export GPX from this tool, it will use the Strava non-standard format which may not be accepted by some programs. Join the Red Bull Flying Laps Strava Challenge today and run the distance of a Silverstone lap (5.9km) weekly, for four weeks to be in with a chance to run around the track for yourself. Ah that's a good point! If you uncheck the box, the tool will remember your preference in that browser. Also, if you have selected "Do Not Embed Distance" or "Calculate Distance" in the "Embedding Distance" options down below, this field will be grayed out. If your activity does not have position points (latitude / longitude), Strava automatically deems it as an indoor activity. These Files contain every bit of data you can imagine tracking. Strava has a special non-standard format that allows one to embed Heart Rate, Temperature, Power, and Cadence. The time zone you supply is important - if you supply the wrong time zone, your track may be time-shifted by more (or less) than you expect. Your CSV can be comma or tab delimited. I find that many people are not aware that they can repair their tracks. I know Strava uses a difference calculation to Garmin and their moving time doesn't take into. : Hold the Stop button to complete the run and review overall distance, pace, time, and route on a map. So, if you include ALL of the track points, you're going to get a data value in one second, and a zero value in the same second. This will help you keep a record of the entire distance covered by you on Strava. So, if we just move the time stamp back in time somewhere between 2 and 15 minutes, it will appear as a new activity. CSV: There are basically two options available on Strava that you can use to edit or change the distance. We are migrating people to a more secure connection to Strava, so if you haven't used GOTOES tools since March 23, 2019, we recommend that you reset your connection and re-authorize GOTOES. On strava click on the detail section to see total time Quagga Posted November 6, 2018 Here is how Strava shows it Jehosefat Use Distance or Use SpeedBecause this tool is merging separate files, it needs to rebulid the index of accumulated distance. Your Garmin device may record extra interesting stats that Strava cannot normally display. Please let me know if I got any of the codes wrong. Add Time Stamps to GPX TCX or FIT Files | Strava Add Time Stamps to FIT, TCX, or GPX Files This need may arise if you're trying to import a course into your GPS or re-create and activity that you did in real life, but lost the GPS track for. This March, Strava is partnering with the creator and founder of the Hot Girl Walk, Mia Lind, to empower women to strive for more for themselves and the next generation with the launch of Hot Girl . Certain features are only available in TCX or GPX. it's funny how they doing moving time even for walks. (opens in a new window). Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail. In TCX and GPX files, I just insert a textual name. You would leave your start and end time as-is. Don't Recalculate Lap Distances the unofficial home of Strava on Reddit - your place to post about, chat about and discuss all things Strava! Strava This should repair your file. If GPX and TCX do not work for some reason, give FIT a try. By default, we include all streams - but this is not always a good idea. This option slows the tool and may result in your file merge crashing if you have a lot of data/files. It seems to display one or the other but I can't figure out why and/or if I can change it. The tool uses position to calculate disance, so if there is no position (like an indoor workout), then it is impossible to calculate distance. For example, Cycling is "2". The default setting is in the middle, which is 10 flanking points for smoothing. Sometimes, you need to add timestamps to GPS files. Total Ascent:This field will be grayed out unless you select FIT export. Whether or not that is true is up for debate but that is just how Strava processes the data. If you don't know what ConnectIQ fields are, you should leave this box unchecked. When you check the box, the screen will display a progress bar as it interpolates your track points. What is the gray number in this box? First, you need to know that there is more than one type of FIT file. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is in-line with how Strava calculates speed (i.e. The drawbacks to TCX are that the file size is bigger, and TCX doesn't allow temperature data. Override Total Calories Strava will instead calculate your ascent based on the elevation points in your file (if it is a "trusted" barometric GPX) or it will use the DEM to calculate your ascent. I do not recommend using this tool to cheat. Even though the speed won't be exactly accurate, you will at least get credit for the distance you rode. Strava displays moving time even though your Garmin shows elapsed time. I have written a Quick Tutorial to help you repair your corrupted GPS Tracks. The tool can upload directly to Strava on your behalf. Accepted types are Latitude, Longitude, Power, Cadence, Heart Rate, Temperature, Distance. This may not matter much if you're exporting as FIT, but if you are choosing TCX as your output type, the files can get pretty big. It's time to get back in line, as buffet dining is back at Chef Mickey's in Disney's Contemporary Resort. The goal of your easy training days is to get volume in and work on your aerobic efficiency. You will end up with all the points at exactly the same time, which is going to be a corrupted file. This means that the tool is going to ignore everything in your friend's file until it gets to the timestamp where your file ends. At least this works for me. They will draw a route using Strava's Route Builder, then use my Add Timestamps to GPS Tracks Tool to add timestamps, making it as accurate as possible. Because you are including ALL of the track points, there is going to be a lot of redundant information that isn't needed. In other instances, the overlap may be less intentional. Now, select the activity that you want to edit. If you dont know how to create a manual activity then heres how you can:-. The result will be a flat line heart rate, but it will help them keep track of effort. pace/..) to those which are in your Samsung health application. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sometimes your heart rate monitor can record bad values. In this case, you would type "-20" into the box and select the "Watts" option instead of "Percentage." The tool's calc and Strava's calc tend to be higher than the number reported by the device. I am glad that this tool is helping you out, and I hope you keep using it. There are many, and I had to type them all in by hand! TCX files do allow us to insert a "Total Distance" entry however if the entry comes from a TCX file, Strava now ignores the value in that field (I think because it would be too easy to manipulate). So you can toggle the ride type back once you're done reviewing if it matters to you. It works on Mobile Safari, but not Desktop Safari. They can be in any order. Smoothing ElevationThis field only applies when you interpolate your tracks. If you are merging overlapping files (such as adding heart rate from a Polar to trainer data from a Garmin), you should only select one calorie value - the one from the more reliable device. (opens new window). Find out . Select the three-dot menu icon on the left and select Split. Fees were previously determined by when a user signed up for the premium service. 3. Normally, browser based apps like Strava and Garmin Connect will smooth your data by only including every tenth point or so. This will switch the activity time from the inaccurate "moving time" to "elapsed time". If there is a large gap in time between trackpoints, Strava will consider that to be stopped time - and it will mess up your average speed as well as the graphs related to pace. The accuracy of this output relies heavily on your track. Going harder on your easy days makes no sense. From the pop-up, click Correct Distance. Other platforms may give you exceedingly high distance. Remember: Cheaters only cheat themselves.. Why Can't I Override Distance in TCX or GPX? GPX files: Strava accepts a special type of GPX file format that allows us to embed power, cadence, heart rate, and temperature info. Note: This feature is exclusively available on the Strava Website and can not be used on the Android or iOS app. See the help on those options to learn about caveats of including distance and when you want to include it. One of the best ways to keep your desktop clean is to implement and maintain an organized digital filing system. Post the activity. With Strava, you can do elevation corrections to fix all the elevation points, but what if you have one heart rate value that is too high? Click on the drop-down menu under Sport and select the correct activity type. So, make sure youre confident about how youre splitting the original activity.). For example, you can choose Zwift, FulGaz, Rouvy, Wattbike, or PELOTON as your GPS type. Why is this box grayed out?It is only possible to export ConnectIQ data inside of FIT files. More than 160 people have clocked up more than 174 hours over 301 activities over the past few weeks. 1. If you choose this option, make sure that you choose ONLY ONE distance stream in the table. Corrupt Time StampsIf your file has corrupted time stamps, the merge might not work. Problem 2 - Lack of compatability with "Rarely Used FIT file Fields": When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Although, you can follow these same steps on your phones browser. If you check the "No" option, the tool will spit out a track that is nearly a flat line in terms of speed. The reason I do not recommend this option for all files is because it will make the file much larger - it will create a file with one trackpoint every second. Use of this tool has grown exponentially in the last several months. Click Save once you're done. Your browser will remember your previous settings so you do not need to enter this every time. Let's say your MTB has 175mm cranks and your road bike has 170mm cranks. If you select a GPS type such as "Garmin 830" (for example) Strava may not show your activity as a virtual ride. And yes, that is exactly my point, apparently for indoor rides Strava counts all as moving time (something to do with how they calculate moving time requiring GPS which isn't available indoors). Why do you want me to donate?I strongly believe in providing you with free tools to fix your Strava tracks. Cheaters only cheat themselves.. As I ride more will Strava's estimated moving time become more accurate (assuming I ride at similar pace, etc). You can also zoom in and zoom out of the map at your convenience so that you can crop an accurate distance from the activity. For example, if you are trying to merge two files that occurred at the same time (often people will record heart rate on one device and position on another), then you need to choose just one stream from each file. Clocks are set forward one hour to "spring forward" so we lose an hour. I have rewritten the button code to try and work-around this bug, which I suspect they will fix soon. On your Garmin, you select to see Elapsed time and Moving time. It was designed in-house and like the company's Pixel phones, the Pixel Watch is meant to be the flagship device. Please consider making a donation to help keep me motivated to continue making updates and to help pay for the server. **If you donated via Paypal before December 18, 2020, please use the contact link and write me with the PayPal email address you used to donate so I can send you a code for full-access to early-release features. Open the activity you want to crop. For more info on proper CSV format, click here. Contact me with feedback on what might work best for you Insert Power into GPS File Your old authorization will stop working October 2019. If you check this box, my tool will create a track which is a 1 kilometer circle out in the South Pacific. If you have trouble uploading the resulting file to a 3rd party site, try the "Remove Duplicate Trackpoints" option (first option) instead. The total ascent in your final Strava upload will be the sum of all the Ascent Streams that you have checked. Date time dial moving freely etc. Finally, I recommend that you only select laps from ONE stream if you have overlapping files. Your elevation profile (graph) will not be affected - just the total ascent number. The Strava Club 9:59 AM on Friday, April 10, 2020 Double time: See elapsed and moving time on your activities Most activities in your feed show "moving time," which captures how long you were running, riding or working out, and not the time you spent between watch pauses or waiting at stoplights. Removing duplicates should also result in a smaller file, and choosing this option may fix problems encountered when uploading to certain 3rd party websites.

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how to edit moving time on strava