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ghostbusters commercial script

Heck, my grandma used to spin yarns about a spectral locomotive that would rocket past the farm where she grew up! Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: Police Captain: ,Dr. Peter Venkman: Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk! Thanks, Egon. Walter Peck is the government stooge that wants to bureaucratically bring down the Ghostbusters. The owners don't even like us to talk about it. Dr. Peter Venkman: [hands Egon a petri dish filled with ectoplasmic residue] Somebody blows their nose and wanna keep it? I'm gonna get him a nice fruit basket. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947. A Ghostbusters commercial is playing. Dr. Peter Venkman: And now it looks like it may actually happen. Rather than making an aerial passage uptown, the ghosts descend into an all but deserted subway station. We can be on the verge of a four-fold cross rip. [the Ecto-1 is getting a police escort to Dana's apartment building]. Uh, are you habitually using drugs? Is it just a mist, or does it have arms and legs? [a giant marshmallow man crashes through the streets of New York]. What do we do? Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Peter Venkman: Just a few months after landing its new release date, Ghostbusters 4 has gotten a promising script update from star Ernie Hudson. Have you or any of your family been diagnosed schizophrenic? Did you see it? [coming up to Louis during party] Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Okay. The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space. I get the point! Well, that's all right. Write and collaborate on your scripts FREE. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Get ready! There's more over here. Dana Barrett: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Ernie Hudson said during a recent . You're the best one on your row. I am The Gatekeeper! ,Dr. Peter Venkman: LET'S DO IT! Walter Peck: That was two days ago and I haven't been back to my apartment. Janine Melnitz: Dr. Egon Spengler: ,Dr. Egon Spengler [gets in Peter's way] Gee, I think all I got is acetylsalicylic acid, generic. If I'm wrong, nothing happens! Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) and Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson) take a chance on going freelance, de-haunting houses in a new ghost removal service. Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: When can we move in? dr jatinder singh pmo office contact number. Library Administrator: ", [while trying to catch the Slimer, the Ghostbusters cause a lot of damage to the hotel with their energy streams]. Everyone knows who to call when ghosts wreak havoc . Do you have any hobbies? We thought you were someone else. I don't know where they get these guest conductors. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Okay, Ghostbusters. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Roger Grimsby: It was never, ever this bad, though! Dr. Peter Venkman: You're facing Federal prosecution for about a half dozen environmental violations. "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" is now expected in late 2021: Sony settled on November 11 to begin with, but the studio moved the release date back to November 19 after Paramount's "Top Gun: Maverick". Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: That's great! Right. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Get tickets: Watch Ghostbusters now: Subscribe for more exclusive content: Follow Ghostbusters on Social: Suit up for classic comedy! It's right here, Ray. Gozer: It's looking at me. We can take it. Gatekeeper! Dr. Peter Venkman: [reading from the printout] The effect? Art Deco, very nice. My mind is totally blank. We've been going about this all wrong. This chick is TOAST! Dr. Peter Venkman: Janine Melnitz: Hotel Manager: The man is some kind of rodent, I don't know which. I love this plan! Egon, your mucus. Dr. Peter Venkman: Ready? We're the Ghostbusters. Aside from the main premise, one thing that stays the same from script to screen in Ghostbusters are the characters. [to an invisible audience] Hey, wait a minute. Tell him about the Twinkie. I was present at an undersea, unexplained mass sponge migration. [Annoyed] As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. But with renowned freedom, Venkman encourages Stantz and Egon to go into business for themselves as ghost catchers. Hey, this is real smoked salmon from Nova Scotia, Canada, $24.95 a pound! Peter grabs Ray's ear]. ghostbusters commercial script. Dr. Raymond Stantz: We can see how Murray adapts the moment from the script into the scene, along with how Sigourney Weaver pulls off being possessed. [to the horse] I'd like to analyze it. Miss Barrett, you seem to think there is something wrong up here in your mind that says: he enjoys taking his evenings off and spending them with his clients. It's true, your honor. [clearing away tables in the dining room to make room for the ghost trap]. Walter Peck: [Venkman tries to wipe the slime off of his hand], [Dana, possessed by "The Gatekeeper," answers the door], [She slams the door in his face. Dr. Peter Venkman: special olympics records ghostbusters commercial script . Dr. Peter Venkman: Placing it in New York City helps, as does making the heroes everyday joes who go into business for themselves after being fired from a university. Hey! It only cost me $14.12 after tax, though. Louis: Dr. Raymond Stantz: I'm making a special exception in your case. Type something, will you? Dr. Peter Venkman: Walter Peck: Dr. Egon Spengler: As you can read, originally the lines were said by different members of the team. But most definately wrong. What has that got to do with it? No kidding! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: Dana. Dr Ray Stantz: [Suddenly puts card down] [angrily] So, what are we doing today, Zuul? Forget it, Venkman. I remember Revelations 6:12?And I looked, and he opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake. I'm warning ya. Some people think I'm too intellectual but I think it's a fabulous way to spend your spare time. You! What's causing it!" Rivers and seas boiling! Winston Zeddemore: No sweat, I'll take a rain check on that. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: [gets in electrician's way] Janine Melnitz: Dan Aykroyd is a Canadian comedian, actor, writer, producer, director, musician, and even businessman. He will come in one of the pre-chosen forms. This is big, Peter, this is very big. You know how much a patent clerk earns? Dr. Peter Venkman: Brakes, brake pads, lining, steering box, transmission, rear-end. Ray looks at Peter, who nonchalantly nods yes, Lightning flies from her fingers, driving the Ghostbusters to the edge of the roof and almost off; people below scream, Egon is running tests on Louis, who has been possessed by Vinz Clortho and is now the Keymaster, referring to her radical change in personality, long pause, Peter, Egon and Winston all look at Ray, they all see a giant cubic white head topped with a sailor hat, Peter looks at Ray, Persuading the mayor to let them stop a supernatural upheaval, Louis, as the possessed Keymaster Vinz Clortho, runs out of Central Park, scaring a married couple, Louis pants and sniffs, then notices a horse carriage; horse neighs, the possessed Louis growls at the coachman with his red-glowing eyes, clearing away tables in the dining room to make room for the ghost trap, He yanks a tablecloth off of a table, overturning and shattering everything except the centerpiece in the middle, Dana Barrett has just transformed into a demon, looking up and blinding Peter with his headlamp, walks up to a hapless guest, speaking confidentially, heads across the room, greeting other guests, Louis and the Tall Woman begin disco dancing. man Walter Peck is inquiring about the Ghostbusters effect on the environment. Dr. Peter Venkman: You guys have been running your ass off, meetin' and greetin' every schizo in the five boroughs who says he has a paranormal experience. A PKE surge of incredible, even dangerous proportions. Dr. Raymond Stantz: You, however, seem to regard science as some kind of dodge or hustle. Dr. Egon Spengler: In this way, whether the audience can tell or not, the heroes of the day are the relatable working class guys who took it upon themselves to find a solution for a problem no one else wanted to face or believe in. Well, are you sure you're using that thing correctly? when the light is green, the trap is clean. [shouting from the top of a fireman's pole upstairs] So the Ghostbusters are in there climbing all over the house, knocking out walls and ripping up floorboards in their nicely remodeled kitchen. [ the Ghostbusters draw their handsets ] Dr. Raymond Stantz , Dr. Egon Spengler , Winston Zeddemore : HOLDIN'! [Ghostbusters shoot at Gozer, but she disappears]. And when writing the original Ghostbusters script, Ramis knew that improvisation would be part of the deal, especially when working with Bill Murray. Con Edison Man: Hotel Manager: The wind HOWLS and the vane swivels with an EERIE SQUEAK. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Peter Venkman: Louis: As you can read, originally the lines were said by different members of the team. We can just put it right back in there. [holding up papers] Gozer the Gozerian, good evening. Successful test. That's bad. Dr. Peter Venkman : [ as the Ghostbusters approach Gozer ] Grab your stick! Dr Ray Stantz: Dana. Just relax, c'mon. Vinz, you said before you were waiting for a sign. Venkman, get a sample of this. Something that could never, ever possibly destroy us. Dr. Raymond Stantz: A behind-the-scenes video reveals some outtakes from the filming of the Ghostbusters commercial in the original movie. You can't park right here! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Janine is seen answering the telephone with a big fake smile on her face. LET'S DO IT! Lenny, offically the church won't take any postion with the religious implications of these phenomenons. I make it a rule never to get involved with possessed people. TV Reporter: You actually eat this stuff? On Cover B of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1, Winston's middle name Ramsey appears on the file. I saw it, I saw it, I saw it. Forty years of darkness! Dana Barrett: Well, this is great. He's an ugly little spud isn't he? We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue. She thought I was a creep, she thought I was a geek, and she probably wasn't the first. Ghostbusters - Commercial / TV Advert CORE 4.74K subscribers Subscribe 1.7K 158K views 5 years ago This is the commercial for the Ghostbusters in the 1984 movie, "Ghostbusters" directed. Actually I'm a friend of his, he asked me to meet him here. This is the Ghostbusters' commercial that partially appears in the film, as written in the script. Hey Where these stairs go? Hotel Manager: I've seen TV, I know you can't come in here without a warrant or writ or something! Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: As they say in T.V., I'm sure there's one big question on everybody's mind, and I imagine you are the man to answer that. Anything. Dana Barrett: [opening cabinet] Earthquakes, volcanoes Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Just gimme the address Oh sure, they will be totally discreet. You do your job, pencil neck, don't tell me how to do mine! Um, well, eh, I don't know. I did that, I did that That's my fault. I bet you like to read a lot, too. Peter grabs Ray's ear, Egon pulls out a calculator and starts punching in numbers. Louis: Dr. Egon Spengler: [slowly, calmly] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. What he means is Old Testament, Mr. Mayor, real wrath of God type stuff. Oh, Zuulie, you nut, now c'mon. [Dana Barrett has just transformed into a demon]. Shut it off. Listen, that reminds me, you shouldn't leave your TV on so loud when you go out. Dr. Egon Spengler: I guess we'll just have to move. Myth? The mother and the kids look at him with disappointment. Nervous? Venkman knocks again, Venkman shakes hands with Peck and still has ectoplasm on his hands, Peck is wiping the ectoplasm on his jacket, Janine opens the front door and sees a policeman, as Dana puts strings on her cello, Ray is being interviewed by Joe Frankin on television, shouting from the top of a fireman's pole upstairs, Venkman looks at Spengler. Dr. Peter Venkman: Winston Zeddemore: Talk about telekinetic activity, look at this mess! [to Egon] You're gonna endanger us, you're gonna endanger our client - the nice lady, WHO PAID US IN ADVANCE, before she became a dog Dr. Peter Venkman: Ho! Thank you! Thank you. Dr. Peter Venkman: Okay, who brought the dog? Dr. Peter Venkman: Something terrible is about to enter our world, and this building is obviously the door. But at 19%, you didn't even bargain with the guy! Dr. Peter Venkman: [after nearly being crushed by a falling bookcase]. Dr. Peter Venkman: Mother, Father and Kids wave goodbye to the Ghostbusters. 1889 A.D. One of the greatest tangible evidence of psychic energy is recorded. The busters decide its time to destroy Gozer more directly by attacking the interdimensional portal on the apartment roof. They conducted rituals up on the roof, bizarre rituals intended to bring about the end of the world. Good guess, but wrong. Janine, sorry about the bug-eyes thing. That's a big Twinkie. I'm Winston Zeddmore, Your Honor. If the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute. [after the beautiful female student has guessed 5 out of 5 cards right while he has "none"; actually he has one] Dr. Raymond Stantz: And he wasn't alone. [shouting while offscreen] My parents left me that house. It seems the Goz' has been puttin' some moves on *my* would-be girlfriend. All right, all right, all right! But now, as if some unforeseen authority [the Ghostbusters arrive at the Sedgewick Hotel in Ecto-1, fully decked out in uniform and gear]. Tell me what this is. [training Winston] Its only after government incompetence brings back the ghosts that the mayor goes for the privately managed but voter-friendly option. The Keymaster, Venkman tries to wipe the slime off of his hand, Dana, possessed by "The Gatekeeper," answers the door, She slams the door in his face. [Sarcastically] The Destructor is coming. #Commercial #BillMurray #DanAykroyd #HaroldRamis #IvanReitman #SonyPictures #Sony [quickly] You know, to try it out. We've only got 75 more to go, c'mon what this one. You gotta learn to play rough! Whoa! I don't want my face burned off! Dr. Peter Venkman: I am madly in love with you. Just ordered some more vitamins and stuff. [interrupting] What do you think, Egon? [Venkman snaps back] Dr. Raymond Stantz: Murrays deadpan and defeated delivery is contrasted by Aykroyds visible excitement for actual physical contact! Even Spengler (who tells them Slimer is in the ballroom) gets a comedic moment when he stoically asks for a sample. Ray has gone bye-bye, Egon what've you got left? Dr. Raymond Stantz: Oh, good, that makes me feel so much better. Ted has a small carpet cleaning business in receivership; Annette's drawing a salary from a deferred bonus from two years ago! The full television commercial (as filmed, but without the on-screen graphics), along with five minutes of outtakes, can be found on the 2019 Ghostbusters 1 & 2 4K/Blu-ray set. Great, how's it going down there? I collect spores, molds, and fungus. [hesitates] As seen in the outtakes, Janine was originally going to appear in the commercial, but not in the manner the script describes. Do you believe in God? We'll enjoy it! I've gotta get this in the clear! Janine Melnitz: Load a trap here, open, unlock the system. Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis? Gozer the Gozerian good evening. [as The Gatekeeper] Dr. Peter Venkman: new zit popping videos 2020 . [arriving, to the officer] This city is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. This happen to you before? Dr. Peter Venkman: [tickling piano keys] We go to jail - peacefully, quietly. ), What is Direct Characterization Character Building Tips. Because you did not use the magic word. [about the storage facility] And may I see this storage facility? Forget MIT or Stanford now. What is it? Dana Barrett: I swear, they're just coming to me. See ya on the other side, Ray. Got him! Winston Zeddemore: The full commercial (again, without the on-screen graphics) also appears in the PlayStation 3 version of Ghostbusters: The Video Game. [the ghost transforms horrifically and snarls aggressively. Walter Peck: Ghostbusters by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd Final Shooting Script October 7, 1983 FADE IN EXT. It just popped in there. [Ray looks at Peter, who nonchalantly nods yes], [Lightning flies from her fingers, driving the Ghostbusters to the edge of the roof and almost off; people below scream]. Ramsey was the original name of the character in early drafts of the first movie. On the surface, its about a group of guys catching ghosts, and Dan Aykroyds original treatment will always reflect that. Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. We have the tools, and we have the talent! I gotta split. What sign are you waiting for? Yes. Dr. Egon Spengler: Spengler is taking PKE readings along the baseboards. This is preposterous. You do *your* job, pencilneck. It "is" a star,. I don't think you're crazy. They wouldn't touch us with ten-meter cattle prod. Not necessarily. Stay close. [Coming in] We handle this kind of thing all the time! Dr. Raymond Stantz: It's whatever it wants to be. The guests are starting to ask questions and I'm running out of excuses. Now, are we actually gonna go before a federal judge, and tell him that some moldy Babylonian god is going to drop in on Central Park West, and start tearing up the city? 'Scuse me Egon? The three comics, plus Ernie Hudson, play the New York City-based team that provides superna more More Ghost Busters quotes Collection Edit Buy Dr Ray Stantz: Thats not only an inciting incident but something the audience can relate to. We came, we saw, we kicked its ass! Dr. Peter Venkman: He cant stop talking about aspect ratios. Janine Melnitz: Game collects a $100 fee from all participants before it starts and pays rewards to winners at the end. It's OK; the table broke the fall. At ease officer. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Egon pinpointed a small community in northern New Jersey as the likely epicenter of major psychic activity, due to its central proximity to three nuclear power plants and a number of chemical waste storage areas. Dr. Peter Venkman: Dr. Peter Venkman: I wanna know more about what you do here! Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"! [Peter's hand slowly reaches for the zapping trigger]. To go into business for ourselves. You think it's too warm in here for the brie? I'll tell you what the effect is, it's pissing me off! I'm studying the effect on negative reinforcement on ESP ability. [looking at the temporary sign on Ghostbusters HQ while a worker is hanging it up] [uncertainly] Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm getting stronger readings here. DANA BARRETT pushes the carriage along the street. Why don't you have some of the brie, it's at room temperature! Dr. Raymond Stantz: A movie like Ghostbusters is one its fans can quote for days, to the point where you can even communicate in Ghostbusters dialogue. These are the blueprints for structural ironwork of Dana Barret's apartment building, and they are very, very strange. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Many Shuvs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the Slor that day, I can tell you! Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dean Yeager: Winston Zeddemore: Are you moving us to a better office on campus? Try to understand, this a high voltage laser containment system. The point of view pans out to reveal a security guard watching television. All right. You are a poor scientist, Dr. Venkman! Everybody getting this so far? It was right here. What happened? Originally. Let's get ready. It's, a couple of wavy lines. What I'd really like to do is talk to Dana. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dr. Raymond Stantz: Dana Barrett: [Really is nervous] While the Blues Brothers proved popular, he would later conceive of Ghostbusters, further catapulting his stardom and solidifying his stamp on pop culture with two of the best 80s movies of all time. [gasps] Just asking. Dr. Raymond Stantz: A great example of their differing personalities can be seen after the trio meets the ghost at the library. Personally Lenny, I think it's a sign from God, but don't quote me on that. Dr. Peter Venkman: Whoa! For an example of one of the guys facing off against a ghost on their own, see the moment when Venkman encounters a possessed Dana Barrett. Any customers? No, you're being moved off campus. Dr. Peter Venkman: That's gotta be some cockroach. Janine Melnitz: Yeah, I know that Louis: Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown. Hold it! I wanna talk to Dana. I know; do exactly as I say. The whole island's going crazy. [picking up his radio and speaking slowly] The Ghostbusters make it to Barretts apartment and encounter Gozer, who is here to destroy the city (and world). Yeah, you could say that. Dr. Egon Spengler: They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything! We're paying for this stuff! Einstein did his best stuff when he was working as a patent clerk. THROW IT! I have some news from the world of Gozer. I HATE YOU, VENKMAN! ghostbusters commercial script Clothing with high quality, comfortable, and of course the latest style trends.if you like and are interested in our product ghostbusters commercial script Clothing For Unisex you can add it to the Cart our website then check and make sure you complete the payment. No, no, NO! The Keymaster]. Dr. Peter Venkman: Mr. Smith, quickly. [possessed by Vinz Clortho a.k.a. Don't patronize me, I'm not grotesquely stupid, like the people you've bilked! Dr. Raymond Stantz: You didn't used to look like this. Dana Barrett: You had your chance to cooperate, but you though it would be more fun to insult me. Dr. Peter Venkman: Some of the dialog was originally written for the Ghostbusters TV commercial, where it would have been said by a troubled family. I'm a partner in this facility and I'm going to cooperate in any way that I can. Published Jun 2, 2020. Oh! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Fine. Walter Peck: So what? Mr. Stay Puft! There's nothing else in my life! Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, no job is too big, no fee is too big! [as Dana puts strings on her cello, Ray is being interviewed by Joe Frankin on television]. That's 5 for 5, you can't see these can you? Dean Yeager: [handing the manager a check] You don't think it's too subtle, Marty, you don't think people are going to drive down and not see the sign? Hope we can help you again. ghostbusters commercial script by May 28, 2021 Dr. Peter Venkman: Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost? Dr. Egon Spengler: I find her interesting because she's a client and sleeps above her covers. ,Winston Zeddemore: Dr. Raymond Stantz: You volunteered, didn't you? Well yeah, you know what I did? Dr. Raymond Stantz: Oh, I got to get some sleep, I'm dying. Mentally incompetent? Oh, don't move, I just gotta get the door. Dr. Peter Venkman: The ghost is incarcerated here in our custom-made storage facility. At the same time, Venkman uses humour to bring levity to a situation that is deathly serious by using his different skills to take control of whats happening. The controversy builds, more sightings are reported, some maintain that these professional paranormal eliminators in New York are the cause of it all. Dr. Egon Spengler: Dr. Egon Spengler: No, I can't. Oh, that's okay we can just put it right back in there. I want you inside me. We never talk any more. Dr. Peter Venkman: I'm warning you. [excitedly] Suddenly the doorbell rings, throws the guests' coats in the closet, oblivious that they hit the demon Vinz Clortho hiding there, Vinz Clortho growls from inside the bedroom, Dana starts passionately making out with him, moaning audibly, Louis has been possessed by Vinz Clortho a.k.a. Could be race memory stored in the collective unconscious. [in an inhuman demonic voice] Set your entry grid neutronize your field and [Ray pulls a lever and the green light comes on]. Janine Melnitz: Yeah, what have you got? Then a weird ANIMAL CRY is heard--a cross between a chicken CROWING and a wolf HOWLING. Dr. Raymond Stantz: What I'm about to say may sound a little unusual. Dr. Egon Spengler: Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! [Inspecting Dana's refrigerator for paranormal activity]. Is this a trick question? [to a cellmate looking over his shoulder blueprints] You gotta do something! You don't know what it's like out there! Someone should tell him that it's not going to do much good to scream at us in German. If you want to continue reading screenplays, we have similar titles like, The Ultimate Guide to Call Sheets (with FREE Call Sheet Template), How to Break Down a Script (with FREE Script Breakdown Sheet), The Only Shot List Template You Need with Free Download, Managing Your Film Budget Cashflow & PO Log (Free Template), A Better Film Crew List Template Booking Sheet, Best Storyboard Softwares (with free Storyboard Templates), What is an Antagonist in a Story Definition & Examples, What is Telos: The Ultimate Guide to Understand Telos for Video Marketing, What is an Anecdote Definition, Examples, and Functions, What is a Memoir Definition, Examples in Literature & Film. Dr. Raymond Stantz: Yeah, but I didn't know you we're gonna be giving me electric shocks. Symmetrical book stacking. Louis: Ray Stantz thinks of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Camp Waconda. What is the magic word, Mr. Venkman? Venkman turns to the real estate agent, surrounded by excited reporters during the montate sequence, which shows the Ghostbusters as a sudden popular culture craze, surveying a wrecked apartment building corridor having climbed over thirty flights of stairs with his proton pack, after nearly being crushed by a falling bookcase, in front of the library ghost, their first ghost sighting, Egon and Ray stare at each other in silence. Something I loved from my childhood. Okay, whatever happens, let's be professionals. As filmed, the parts with the family were eliminated (though some of the dialog was repurposed for the Ghostbusters II commercial ), just leaving Peter, Ray, and Egon to give their spiel in front of the firehouse. Male Student: I don't know. The script is pretty straightforward, as Venkman announces hes been slimed and Egon announces Slimer is now in the ballroom. And where do you put these ghosts, once you catch them? Dr. Peter Venkman: Hi, this is Larry King. Alright, okay. Dr. Peter Venkman: Differences and Similarities During the rectification of the Vuldrini, the traveler came as a large and moving Torg!

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ghostbusters commercial script