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caltrans lane closure charts

Caltrans announced a 59-hour weekend closure of Seacliff off and on ramps on southbound Highway 101 in Ventura County . Coordination with the district COZEEP coordinator is needed to determine local CHP policies. Process, justify, and document the request the same way as any other fund request. LAKESIDE. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price. Verify the contractor maintains all traffic control devices in good working order throughout the projects life. Consider these details: Do not use the contract item for temporary crash cushion modules to pay for temporary crash cushion modules that are placed to fulfill the requirements of the Public Safety section. This should be done when a request for COZEEP has been received in writing from the contractor. Confine the work area to as short a distance as practical. Section 4-73, Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks, of this manual provides policies and procedures for those facilities. lcs ver This application is being updated for digital accessibility and will continue to function while updates are in progress. GIS Maps. Refer to Part 6, Chapter 6D, "Pedestrian and Worker Safety," of the California MUTCD. Extend the straight section, known as the tangent portion of the closure, to better position the taper. Verify that covers placed on sign panels completely block out any messages so that the messages cannot be seen day or night. The maintenance person should have spare cones, signs, and barricades available to replace or restore system elements displaced or damaged by traffic. Field adjustments to the traffic handling plans are frequent occurrences. Temporary full freeway closures of all lanes in the same direction of travel. Systems affecting traffic in both directionsInstall the first sign drivers will see traveling in the opposing direction. The covers should also present a workmanlike appearance. @CaltransDistrict7 crews are working to clear the roadway to make it safe for travel. Confirm full implementation of approved TMPs in close coordination with the DTM so that the disruption to the traveling public is minimized. For a discussion of final delineation and pavement markings, refer to Section 4-84, Markings, of this manual. Creating clear recovery zones may also require ordering staging of certain elements of the work, cleanup grading, and temporary placement or removal of materials. Advisory speeds are not enforceable by the CHP. To sign up for the training, submit a training request in Staff Central for this course by following the instructions on the Division of Construction's How to Request Training intranet page. Anticipated times to place and compact temporary asphalt tapers once paving is complete and before opening to traffic. If this equality is not possible, confirm that the design speed differential is no more than 10 mph. Verify that the contractor has all components on hand before setting up any traffic control system and that all components meet the specifications requirements. If the portable transverse rumble strips become out of alignment or skewed by more than 6 inches, have the contractor readjust them to the original location. CHP officers are supposed to be assigned from the nearest local office. The statewide master agreement for COZEEP requires that all Caltrans requests for support be received by the supporting CHP area office during normal working hours and at least 72 hours before the time needed. Request a list of Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to be used on the project and copies of their Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) acceptance letters. Stationary closures on a traffic lane are 10-97 before placing the first cone on the traffic lane, and 10-98 after removing all the cones from the traffic lane. For temporary pedestrian facilities, do the following:, Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 2-204B State Representative on Projects Administered by Others, 2-204C District Construction Safety Coordinator, 2-205 Guidelines for Traffic Control Plans, 2-206G Surfacing MaterialsColor and Texture, 2-212 Keeping the Roadway Clear and Clean, 2-214C (4) Construction Engineers, Resident Engineers, and Construction Inspectors, 2-215 Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, 2-215A (1) Estimating COZEEP Funding Requirements, 2-216B Requirements of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Verify the contractor installs the temporary no-passing zone signs if no-passing centerline pavement delineation is obliterated. Obliterated traffic stripes and markings should not be visible to drivers as pavement delineation during the day, at night, and under all weather conditions. Additional signs ordered by the resident engineer are paid for as extra work. For example, compensate for a sharper curve with solutions such as increased lane width or a clear recovery zone. Check that the sign complies with the visibility and legibility requirements. Verify the crash cushion array is in place before opening traffic lanes adjacent to the protected obstacle. Critical work activities are those performed in a closure that would render any portion of the traveled way unsuitable for public traffic use. Verify that the contractor schedules and conducts a meeting to discuss the operation of impact attenuator vehicle as required under Section 12-3.23A(4), Quality Assurance, of the Standard Specifications. If you exit without completing the training, you will have to start over. This requirement may mean closing an extra lane. Inspect crash cushion modules to confirm they comply with the specification and manufacturer requirements. For example, if the number of lanes is reduced and the direction changed, complete the lane drop before starting the alignment change. Dated notations or revisions to plans may be helpful. Submit the CHP notification to the person who issued the daily report. Traffic Control Plans (TCP) and/or Detour Plans are reviewed and managed by the Right of Way Management Section and are required for all construction work within the road right of way which modifies vehicular, bicycle and/or pedestrian traffic patterns and are necessary to ensure the safe and efficient movement of traffic through construction Evaluate the COZEEP use criteria for lane closures on freeway-to-freeway connectors and for night closures of exit and entrance ramps. No formalized solution and design applies to all situations. Nighttime closures of two or more lanes on a freeway with three or more lanes of travel in the same direction. Review Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications. Strategies that may result in a net reduction of overall delay for motorists include full facility closures, extended weekend closures, continuous weekday closures, A+B contract specifications, and performance-based, traffic-handling specifications. Confirm the contractor installs a reflector on each rail unit placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane. Acts as the focal point for development and implementation of TMPs. Dansher Rd. Review the requests to avoid oversights and overbooking. Based on traffic counts, the district traffic operations office determines times for closures and for night work. If the pedestrian facility existing before construction began was accessible to pedestrians with disabilities, the one provided during construction should also be accessible. Stationary closures on the shoulder are 10-97 before placing the first cone after the last advance warning sign, and 10-98 after removing the last cone before the advance warning signs. These closures represent Slides, Flooding, Slide removal, Snow, Wash Out, Wildfire, Adverse Weather, Storm/Fire Related . Make the environment like the approach highway. For construction projects awarded after June 30, 2021, all records are to be stored electronically in the Caltrans Falcon electronic document management system (FalconDMS). The contract item price also includes the costs of work necessary to restore channelizers damaged by public traffic. Make sure the temporary automated end of queue warning system is in operation only during work, unless special provisions require one for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for certain construction activities. Contract managers direct their respective separate contracts or agreements, such as for rideshare activities, transit activities, and public awareness campaigns. If a system shutdown occurs, planned or unplanned, the contractor should provide flaggers to control traffic until the traffic signals are functioning correctly. The invoice backup will include the COZEEP service summary and copies of cancellation notices. M1. Contact Construction at headquarters for a current hard copy. Removal of the traffic control systemRemove all workers and equipment from the roadway. Traffic queuesContain traffic queues completely within the advance warning signs of any closure. Message Signs Pallets that exceed this height raise the sand in the crash cushions above an acceptable level. The public distribution of the environmental document includes local businesses that may be affected and notifies them of any public hearing. Caltrans TMP for the Bay Bridge Full Closure. The CHIN incident layer is updated every 1 minute. If necessary, direct the contractor in writing to act at once to remedy any issue not in compliance with the contract: If the contractor cannot address the traffic safety issue because of a lack of materials and it is safe to do so, consider temporarily suspending the work until correction can be made. Confirm the contractor uses the long-term temporary pavement marker for 180 days or less and the short-term temporary pavement marker for 14 days or less. The following determine the safe speed of a vehicle: Design the temporary roadway for speeds consistent with the permanent roadway. The contractor is responsible for accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. Treat the traffic lanethe path the car is intended to followas a critical element of the roadway. For conditions shown on the plans that need adjustment, discuss proposed changes with the district Traffic Operations Office. Verify that the pavement was not damaged during removal. 07/23/2020 State Route 210 Base Line Update (PDF) Agendas & Minutes. In Part 4, identify a Caltrans project supervisor, usually the resident engineer or an assistant resident engineer. Verify temporary pavement markers comply with Section 81-3, Pavement Markers, of the Standard Specifications, except for the waiting period before placing pavement markers on new asphalt concrete. Use the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features to confirm acceptability of traffic control devices. Closures not needed on the authorized date are 10-22 within 2 hours after the authorized start time. A TMP is a program of activities for minimizing or alleviating work-related traffic delays through traffic-handling practices and strategies. If the operation is terminated before completion of the planned work because of circumstances within the contractors control or because of equipment breakdown, do not allow compensation and charge a working day as appropriate. A pedestrian traffic handling plan may be required if the contract plans do not identify the affected facility. Traffic cones are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. If the safe operating speed of traffic through a work zone is significantly less than the approach speed of highway traffic, a reduced work-zone regulatory speed limit may be established. Verify that the weight of the attenuator and the weight of the support truck are within the specified limits as shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. 4-1202C (1a) Lane Closure System 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities 4-1202D Temporary Pavement Delineation 4-1202D (1) Temporary Pavement Markers 4-1203 During the Course of Work 4-1203A Flagging 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices 4-1203B (1) Traffic Cones The contractor bears costs and expenses for additional support from the CHP, and Caltrans deducts associated costs from monies due the contractor. Types include plastic traffic drums, portable delineators, channelizers, tubular markers, traffic cones, and Type 1 and Type 2 barricades. During the planning and design phase of any project, an impact study is made for a proposed prolonged ramp closure. Consideration for worker safety and the safe movement of traffic through work zones starts with planning. Provides pedestrians with a reasonably safe, convenient, and accessible path that replicates, as nearly as practical, the most desirable characteristics of the existing sidewalks or footpaths. The contractor compliance report forms are available at: Verify the flashing arrow sign trailer can be leveled and plumbed. Verify the channelizers post is predominantly orange. Confirm that portable delineators remain upright when unattended, otherwise require the contractor to place a ballast on the delineators base. Be aware that reductions in the width or number of lanes affect the capacity and flow of traffic. Critical pieces of equipment are those necessary to complete the planned work in the closure, for which no close onsite substitutes exist, and whichif rendered inoperativewould extend the closure beyond the time allowed in the closure charts. Inspect TPARs weekly to verify that they are clean and unobstructed and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the work plan required by the specifications. Verify that temporary crash cushion modules used were manufactured after March 31, 1997. Confirm that changeable message signs, highway advisory radio, and other media tools provide accurate and timely information to motorists regarding closure times. . Consider sight distance for drivers because of temporary features such as falsework impeding view of traffic signal systems. Daytime ramp closures do not usually need COZEEP. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), Lane Closure System, of this manual. The local CHP contact person will note in the cancellation form if Caltrans is being charged a cancellation or 4-hour overtime fee. For details related to preconstruction conferences, refer to Sections 5-002, Preconstruction Conference with Caltrans Personnel, and 5-003, Preconstruction Conference with the Contractor, of this manual. If the contractors activities interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, contact the contractor and request correction of the deficiency. Weekend Closure of Seacliff Ramps on Highway 101. Confirm the contractor provides a temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) nearby, off the traveled way, when the construction activities require the closure of an existing pedestrian route. (Under ideal conditions, all advance warning signs and the taper would be in a tangent with the taper placed on a slight upgrade for improved visibility.). Do not sever or move a pedestrian route for nonconstruction activities such as parking for vehicles and equipment. Check that the attenuator meets the test level requirement for the posted speed limit. Published: Feb 06, 2023 California Invests Nearly $1 Billion for Transportation Improvements Consider driver expectation and ambient light in the area of the crossover for temporary lighting. The pending file for the project maintained by the resident engineer should include the basis of that estimate. The status in LCS will change to APPROVED. The LCS will notify the contractor by email of the approval or rejection. Channelizers are paid for by the unit. Verify all threaded rods or dowels are removed and the area is restored to its previous condition or constructed to its planned condition after removal of Type K temporary railing. The closure will impact southbound Highway 70 between Woodruff Lane and Laurellen Road starting from 8 p.m. Friday (April 9) until 5 a.m. Monday (April 12). Lane Closures Emergency closures can be searched under District or Statewide. For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments. The effectiveness of handling traffic through night construction depends on the contract plans and the details of the contractors activities. Verify that the contractor uses the LCS Mobile website to status closures in a timely manner. Automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) can be used in place of flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Traffic control costs in support of extra work are to be paid as part of the extra work. The contractor will not be able to access projects in LCS after the completion date. As early as possible, verify that all Department-furnished equipment is available at the location specified. Contact the project manager to arrange the study. The activities would, therefore, cause the closure to remain past the time allowed in the closure charts. To implement COZEEP, use the guidelines below, intended to apply COZEEP resources more uniformly throughout the state. Task orders must specify by date, time, and location when a service is needed. An impact attenuator vehicle must be used for the placement and removal of temporary traffic control devices when required by the contract. When severe congestion is forecast because of capacity reductions, include plans for using the media to notify the public, Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP) services, alternate route development, metering by upstream ramp closures, changeable message signs, radar feedback speed signs, highway advisory radios, and monitoring the end of the traffic queue. Verify contractors are assigning personnel and maintaining closures in accordance with the T Series Standard Plans. In the daily report, enter a description of the services the CHP provided, such as traffic breaks, stationary patrol upstream of the work area, or circulating patrol, and complete the CHP officer and CHP vehicle information. If temporary traffic control devices are damaged, displaced, or stop operating or functioning as described from any cause during the progress of the work, have the contractor repair, repaint, or replace the components and restore them to their original locations and positions. 1. ALT ALT 2170. During these reviews, examine the locations of planned roadside obstacles as well as protective safety devices, signs, striping, detours, falsework, temporary railing, attenuators, and clear recovery zones. Do not allow the application of temporary pavement delineation over existing pavement delineation. Obtain the information of trained contractor representatives, including whether they will be requesting or providing a status of closures, or both. The cross slope must be no greater than 1:50 (2 percent) and the running slope no greater than 1:20 (5 percent). During the project initiation or planning stage, Caltrans considers TMP measures with associated road user costs and additional construction costs to the fullest extent feasible. Work with the DTM to verify that project activities conform to the TMP, contingency plans are implemented when necessary, and disruption to the traveling public is minimized and does not exceed limits established in the TMP. Review the submittal for any Type 3 barricade to be used as sign support for crashworthiness to the Transportation Research Boards NCHRP Report 350 criteria or the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTOs) Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) as a single unit with a sign panel of the size and type used on the project. Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 4-1202B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1202B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1202B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1202B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1202B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1202B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1202B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1202B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1203B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1203B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1203B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1203B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1203B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1203B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1203B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1203B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1203C (1b) Contingency Plans for Closures, 4-1203C (1d) Status Updates for Authorized Closures, 4-1203C (1f) Placement Sequence and the Start of Work, 4-1203C (1i) Reverse Operations Inside Closures, 4-1203C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203D (3) Temporary Lane Line and Center Delineation, 4-1203D (4) Temporary Edge Line Delineation, 4-1203D (5) Temporary Traffic Stripe Tape, 4-1203D (6) Temporary Traffic Stripe Paint, 4-1203D (7) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape, 4-1203D (8) Temporary Pavement Marking Paint, 4-1203E Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, 4-1206B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1206B (9) Temporary Crash Cushion Modules, 4-1206B (13) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1206B (15) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1206B (16) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1206B (17) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1206B (18) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1206B (19) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1206B (20) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202 B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. Do not allow the use of a damaged impact attenuator vehicle. Imposing a 24-hour-a-day regulatory speed reduction can be difficult to justify and obtain approval for. Follow the districts instructions for distributing news releases. If it becomes necessary to cancel the work, call the local CHP contact person listed in Part 4 of the task order as soon as possible. San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Please visit SR 210 Base Line Project's website for the latest news regarding the 210 freeway construction. During construction, district construction directs the implementation of TMP elements that are part of the contract or encroachment permit. Verify the planned temporary signal system includes a backup power source and automatic transfer switches. Review the contractors work plan for compliance with the requirements in Section 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the Standard Specifications. In the transition, if physically possible, give the driver at least the same effective traversable roadway widthand preferably moreas on the approach roadway. District Construction should request an impact study for proposed prolonged ramp closures not formally considered in the planning or design phase. At the preconstruction conference, discuss the traffic control plan with the contractor. Signs and other devices mounted lower than 7 feet above the temporary pedestrian pathway should not project more than 4 inches into accessible pedestrian facilities. Verify portable radar speed feedback sign systems comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.37 Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems of the Standard Specifications. If the equipment, materials, or workers are not onsite, the contingency plan specifies the method of mobilizing these items and personnel, and the time required to complete the mobilization. Obtain required submittals for the systems in accordance with Section 87-14 Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, of the Standard Specifications.

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caltrans lane closure charts